Juniper, Juniper

375 4 0

April 2nd, 2019. 2:00pm.

   Sam felt two warm hands stroke up his back, and a pair of lips next to his ear, "Sammy, baby. Wake up." "Mmm, mama. Give me a few more minutes." "They just called me into the hospital and said they could get me in at 3:00. That they had a mom go in labor early and they could get me in a week early." His eyes shot open and he bolted from the bed, throwing on his birks, grabbing her yoga ball and bag, running out the door. "Let's go, Lay! We're like, twenty minutes from the hospital." Layla pursed her lips, holding back a laugh. "My sweet love, why don't you take a couple minutes to wake up?" He stood next to the car, staring at his girlfriend confused. "I'm awake." "Sammy, baby, come get dressed, and brush your hair, and grab your bag. You're still in your boxers, goofy. We still have a couple minutes." He blinked the leftover sleep in his eyes away at her, finally feeling the chill in the breeze. "Oh yeah, duh. Pants are important. Can't show my sexy bod off to just anyone." She sighed, rubbing her belly. He came inside, getting dressed. They had been getting any and all extra sleep they could get in preparation for their Juniper. He laid his head against her stomach, "We're gonna have a baby." "At some point, goof. But we should get to stepping if we want to make it there on time."

    "Do you think I'm gonna make a good impression, Lay?" He asked, locking the door behind him. She looked back at him, confused, with a hand on her belly, "A good impression on who, honey? The nurses?" "On the baby." She placed her hands on his cheeks, rubbing her thumbs under his eyes, "Sweet boy, she's going to love you. She already does. She takes after her mama on that front." He put his forehead to hers, "I'm scared she won't like me once she's out." "You're already her best friend. She turns and moves when she hears you. Like she's looking for you." "What if we can't do it?" "We have each other to lean on and figure it out, alright?" He nodded against her head. She kissed his nose, "Let's go meet our girl. We've been waiting a long time for her." "A long time is an understatement." She grinned at him, "Are you ready?" He splayed both hands across her belly, earning a kick, "Okay, okay! You're ready to come out! I get it, you've cooked long enough, Beans."

    They walked into the hospital with pinkies linked. Sam's nerves were starting to heighten as he followed Layla deeper into the rabbit hole that led to the receptionist desk. "Hi! I'm Layla Hardwick. I have a 3:00 induction scheduled!" The receptionist checked her sheet, "For Baby Kiszka?" She asked, completely butchering his last name, making him cringe. Without missing a beat, Layla nodded, "Baby Kiszka, yes." "I'm sorry! Are you dad?" Holy shit, he was someone's dad. "I am." "You both seem so young, a little green around the gills. Is this your first?" "We're twenty three and nineteen. Yes ma'am." "Nineteen? Are you sure you're ready for that? That's awfully young to be settling down." He could feel how annoyed Layla was becoming. "Ma'am, with all do respect, I've wanted Layla since I was seventeen, and would marry her today if she'd let me. I know what I want and it's our family." "Well, you both are going to need these wristbands. The nurses and doctors will scan before they do anything with your baby. You're in room 1120, the nurse will be in after you've changed."

    They walked into the room and Sam immediately got to work on blowing up her yoga ball as she got changed under his watchful eye. "Stop looking at me. I'm a freakin' whale." She said as she tied up the gown that his mom had gifted her. "I've never seen you look more beautiful." And he hadn't. She was standing at the side of the bed with no makeup, brunette hair in a messy bun on the top of her head, in the floral gown that was gifted by his mother. She looked like his own personal angel. "You're just saying that." The nurse came in, smiling, "Are you two the Kiszkas? Janet over in your office was telling me how you two are just her favorite couple." Layla blushed and Sam beamed. He loved Layla, and he loved that everyone could see it. His one dream in life was to be with someone that when his child talked about their parents, it would be that Mommy and Daddy love each other, and his Juniper will have that. Layla climbed into bed, extending her arm for the nurse to put in IVs. "The medicine takes a couple hours to kick in, if your contractions get to be too much, we can give pain meds and start an epidural." "We're hoping for natural." "We have options for otherwise." She scanned Layla's wristband, starting her medicine. "Now, feel free to get up and move about the room when you start feeling contractions. Typically contractions start in thirty minutes, but every mom is different and it sounds like your little girl wants to stay in there a while." "We've been trying everything." "This should do the trick. My name is Jamie. If you need anything, just hit the call button." "Thank you, Jamie. We're Layla and Sam."

Homeward Bound//Sam Kiszka x OC!LaylaWhere stories live. Discover now