The Becoming of an Atlas

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    Sam was used to the smell of the office and those stupid bright lights. His anxiety was high as he watched Juniper open cabinets and crawl on and off the chairs in the room. Layla was sitting on the table in a gown. "Quit chewing your thumb, you're going to hurt your finger playing later." "What if the baby isn't measuring right? What if there's no heartbeat?" "I would have warning signs, baby." "But you didn't with Juniper's twin. We were just completely blindsided." "We weren't. Her twin was measuring small and had a weaker heartbeat." Juniper opened the cabinet, slamming the door shut, making Sam jump. Layla reached out and grabbed his hand, "Honey, my love, I need you to breathe." "There's so many things that could go wrong."

    The doctor came in smiling, "Hi, I'm Dr. Howard. Are you the Kiszkas?" Layla smiled, "Yes. I'm Layla, this is my husband, Sam, and our daughter, Juniper." She smiled, "So, this isn't your first pregnancy?" "No, my last pregnancy started as a twin pregnancy, but baby B miscarried and absorbed into the placenta." "Okay, so good news, your hormone levels are steady and are showing levels of only one." Sam breathed out a breath of relief, "They look okay?" "Yes, now, let's check you to see how far along you are." Juniper turned around and began to climb up the table to her mother. Sam grabbed her, "Mommy's seeing the doctor, sweet girl." "Want Mommy." "Mommy can't hold you right now, she's getting stuff done." Tears started to well in her eyes as she twisted her body to reach out for her mother. "Want to see the baby in Mommy's belly?" "No, want Mommy."

    Dr. Howard smiled, "She around two?" "Just turned on the third." "They go through a mom phase right then. Do you work, Dad?" "I'm a musician and we just released an album a week and a half ago." "What band?" "Greta Van Fleet." "My daughter listens to you guys. Really loves this album." "Thank you." "Are you home all the time, Mom?" "I have been lately, yes." "She'll fall out of it. Pop your feet up, Mom, let's look at the extra little one." Sam held Layla's hand tight as the doctor began the ultrasound. He listened carefully as the whooshing began. "There it is," the doctor smiled, "Really strong, too." Layla squeezed his hand. Juniper was looking curiously at the screen. Sam rubbed her back, "That's your brother's heart. You know how you listen to Daddy's. Except your brother is in Mommy's belly." Layla held out her hands for Juniper, letting her fall on her chest. Juniper buried her face into Layla's neck. "Ugh, what happened to my daddy's girl." "She's mommy's baby. Huh? Tell Daddy to look at the clock and it tells him all he needs to know." The doctor smiled, "Nap?" "Down to one a day." "From two?" Layla nodded. The doctor smiled again, "For being young parents, you two are well researched." "We try." She printed the small set of pictures, handing them to Sam, "There's your new little bean." "Beanie, we have another bean in the running." "You are measuring about seven weeks and four days, so your due date is December 6th."


    Sam leaned back, sipping at his water, as Josh gestured wildly. "We only need to have like, eight shows total." Sam nodded, "I agree, but I also would like to have them towards the fall." Jake and Danny nodded, "We can get behind that, give time for the record to be released for the summer." Sam sighed, "I don't want to miss Halloween, Thanksgiving, and especially not the entire month of December." Danny put his hand to his heart, "I know I'm important to you, but we don't need to take off the entire month of December for little old me." "Haha very funny. Layla's birthday is just a few days before yours."

    Josh turned his back to look at the giant whiteboard calendar they had hanging on the wall in their management's office, mumbling, "The twenty-first." Sam bit at the lid to the opening of his water. "Actually, it's because that's when the new baby is due." His three band members froze. "New baby?" Josh questioned, turning around, "What do you mean new baby?" "Layla's pregnant?" "And she didn't tell anyone?" "We just got the confirmation a couple days ago. The only person who knew was Ivy." Danny gave him a confused look, "Ivy knew and didn't say anything?" "We asked her not to just in case." Jake and Danny both gave questioning looks. Josh looked somber. He knew exactly what the just in case was. "Layla's okay, though, right? She looks healthy?" "Everything is strong and good, her hormones are directly where they need to be."

Homeward Bound//Sam Kiszka x OC!LaylaWhere stories live. Discover now