Honeymoon Phase

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    Sam's arms tightened around his wife as her back arched in a stretch. He nuzzled into Layla's neck, trailing kisses up it. The breeze coming in off the French coast sparking him to life a little more after their small nap. They were on the fifth day of their honeymoon and they had been taking their time with each other. She groaned, breathing in deeply through her nose, "What are we doing for dinner?" "What are you wanting for dinner?" "Mmm, fish from that restaurant we went to on our first night here." "You wanna go to a restaurant twice? It's our last night here. We could go anywhere?" She turned in his arms, tucking his hair behind his ear, "We can go anywhere and I wanna go there." He smiled, kissing her. "Fine."

    His phone lit up with a selfie Juniper had taken on his phone, "It's our girl. And early, too." "It's only like, 7:30 back home, right?" "And I'm sure Daniel and Ivy are feeling it." He swiped to answer it, being met with a pair of big brown eyes and a messy bun. She had on a brand new set of Minnie Mouse pajamas, smiling widely at him in her bed at Danny's. "Hi Daddy! Where Mommy?" Layla brought her face closer to her husband's, "Hi, my baby. What are you doing?" "Playing toys, watching Chip Potato." "Where's Uncle Danny? Did you have breakfast yet?" "He sweepin'. Want panacakes." "Aunt Ivy makes good pancakes, huh? Is your belly hungry?" She nodded, "I stristy." "You gotta wake one of them up, sweet girl. Like you do me and Daddy." "You come home?" "Two more sleeps, my honeybee." She carried her tablet to the door of her bedroom, the pair could see as she struggled to open the door. Sam laughed, "Put your tablet down, then open the door, Fruit Loop." She nodded, setting her tablet down, opening the door.

     She picked her tablet back up, making her way into his best friend's hallway. "Quiet. Iby Danny sweepin'." "Ivy and Danny are sleeping, yes. But you need to wake someone up and have them help you potty and to make your belly not hungry." She looked down at her father and nodded. She stopped in front of Danny's door, setting her tablet down, opening the door, and picked it back up. He watched as his daughter approached his best friend's side of the bed, "Danny." Danny groaned in return. She looked down at Sam and shook her head, "No wake up." Sam smiled, "Tap him and say, 'Wake up, Danny!'" She nodded, putting her tablet down, getting on her tiptoes to tap her uncle. "Wake up, Danny." Sam watched as his daughter was lifted into the bed, feet dangling over the side. "Wake up, Danny! Gotta potty. I stirsty." "You gotta potty and you're thirsty? Is your belly hungry, too?" "Uh huh." "Can we hang up on Mommy and Daddy and go make some eggs?" "Panacakes." "Pancakes? I think we can manage that. Lean over the side of the bed and tell Mommy and Daddy bye." Her bun flopped as she leaned over the side of the bed, face red as she hung upside down, "Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy! Luh you!" "We love you, baby. See you soon."

    Layla looked sad as he hung up the phone, laying it in the bed beside him. "I miss our baby." He pulled her further into his bare chest, nuzzling into her neck. "Two more sleeps. Tonight, and on the plane tomorrow night. And then we have our Bean back in our arms." "Then you have to focus on work." "Let's get a puppy this summer for Bean." "She already has Spaghetti, Scribbles, and Goop. Do we need a puppy?" She blinked at him for a moment, "You're already looking at one." He blushed slightly, grinning, "Her name is Rose. She was just born. She's a pit mix. She's to keep you company because we're gonna have to go on tour and I hate leaving you guys, so she'll be like an extra person there." "You know nobody can beat your chaos. But a dog?" "A guard dog." "I don't want a guard dog, I want a family dog." "Then she'll be a family dog." She shook her head, "I know you're trying to surprise me, but lord, Samuel." He smiled, "You'll love her."

     "I'm going to love getting up and getting ready for dinner." He wiggles his eyebrows, "I could eat a meal." She grimaced, rolling away from him, "Don't be nasty. I'm like, starving and the only thing on my mind is this dish." He smacked her ass under the blanket, "Party pooper. What happened to trying for a boy?" "Sam, if I don't eat in the next like, thirty minutes, I'm going to puke." He breathed deeply through his nose, "Want me to go get you a chocolate croissant from the bakery down the street while you get ready for dinner?" She looked back over at him, "Will you? I'll love you forever." He rolled his eyes. "You're already supposed to love me forever, that's why we're here." She smiled, leaning into him, "Because you love me, can you go get me a croissant while I curl my hair?" "You're going to eat a chocolate croissant and dinner?" "Yes. The croissant is to hold me over."

    He groaned, getting up, sitting on the side of the bed, stretching. "Kiss first." She crawled across the bed, turning his face to kiss him. "I love you." He flipped her, pulling him into his lap, "I love you. Ugh, I suppose I should get up to get you your croissant." "Being the best hubby on the planet." "I like when you say that." "Hubby? Hubs? Husband?" A grin spread across his face, "Wifey. I have a wife." "Go be stopped by fans getting this so we can have a peaceful dinner like we've been having." They had somehow always slipped by fans, keeping their relationship private. She had always just been out of eyesight, they were together long enough that they often didn't hold hands in public. They both knew it would end soon with him now wearing a wedding ring. "Those girls are gonna hate me." "They'll love you because I love you." She got up from his lap, standing in front of him. He buried his face into her stomach. "I can't wait for you to be pregnant again." She ran her finger nails across his scalp, "It'll happen soon enough." He wiggled his eyebrows at her, "Hopefully this trip because we're going to be swamped for the next few months."

    He threw himself back on the bed, "I'm going to be out of the house a bunch in the next few weeks doing promotional stuff for the album. Then we tour. You're still coming on tour, right?" "If I'm not pregnant." He rubbed his hand over his face, "You'll go to Nash if we play there, right?" "Yes, honey. We just have to stay side stage." He grinned up at her, "You haven't been in what feels like forever." "Well, last time you were touring, I was pregnant and we had a newborn." "We could've taken her." "Uh huh, and put her where? And you be a zombie?" "I was already a zombie when I was home on break." "Are you gonna go get my croissant? I'm like, craving it now." "Yes, but, kiss first." "I already kiss firsted you." He sat up, giving her puppy dog eyes, making kissy noises at her. She laughed, leaning down to kiss him. "You make a good argument." "I always do." She watched as he got dressed, opening the door, leaning back on his heels, "One more." She laughed, holding both sides of his face, kissing him again. He pulled her back in, smacking a kiss on her lips. "Get outta here, goofy!" He laughed as he shut the door behind him.

    Layla made her way to the bathroom, searching for her curling iron and bobby pins. Sam had a habit of cleaning her things up for her, but in return, losing each and every one of her pins. She couldn't count how many packs she had to buy over quarantine alone. She got two curls in, mind only straying from the dinner they were going to have for a second, she had only craved a certain dish this bad in the beginning stages of Juniper's pregnancy. "Son of a bitch, Samuel. You release an album next fucking week. And then you leave me for fucking tour." She pulled up her period tracker on her phone, she was only five days late. They had been so busy planning the wedding that she hadn't even noticed. She bit her lip, looking at herself in the mirror, both hands placed on the counter. She didn't think it would be this quickly after coming off birth control. She didn't want to tell Sam, as a precaution she wasn't. She drummed her fingernails on the counter; she couldn't tell Josh, though keeping this from him would only serve as fuel for his fire, but he had the biggest mouth and would immediately tell Sam. She could tell Jake, he was a rock, and their third in the trio. But he would tell Josh and she would be back at square one.

    She continued to curl her hair as she contemplated what to do until they returned home. She hadn't really drank the entire time they were there, feeling sick after a few sips. As full of anxiety as she was, she was excited. While Sam was home for big moments for Juniper's pregnancy, he missed large chunks of her day to day due to his touring schedule. But for this one, he'd get to be there for most of her day to days until the end, and even those would be spread out with the extremely limited tour they had planned for this time around. It finally dawned on her who to tell. She searched her phone for a picture of a pregnant statue to Ivy, placing her phone face down in anticipation. Her phone dinged back almost immediately with a text from her best friend, 'No fucking way. Already?' 'Nothing's for certain yet. I just have a hunch.' 'Can I use that hunch for my advantage artistically?' 'Go on.' 'I want to do an entire photo shoot of a couple finding out they're pregnant. Do you think Sam would be down for it?' 'I don't want to tell Sam until last minute. He's highly fearful of a miscarriage again.' 'No miscarriages. Only cute, perfect babies. Like this one.' She sent Layla a picture of Danny holding Juniper upside down while her baby giggled, trying to get upright. 'We miss her.' 'Getting you tests when this one goes to the park! Oh my gosh, shut up, this is so exciting.'

Homeward Bound//Sam Kiszka x OC!LaylaWhere stories live. Discover now