A Love Letter to Those Who Hold Up the Sky

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    The paramedic smiled at Layla as he typed, "Any contractions?" "Some light ones." He continued typing. "Your little girl is so sweet. Is she like that all the time?" "Truly, she's the perfect child. She's what made us want a second. She's goofy, and kind, and loving. The perfect parts of my husband and I." "How long have you and your husband been together?" She took a deep breath in as a contraction hit, "A little over three years, married for almost seven months. We're childhood neighbors, we grew up together." "We're almost there, mama. Hold him in, they'll get you some medicine once we get there. Now, what made you pick the name Juniper?" She smiled lightly, she knew he was trying to distract her. "Sam picked it." Tears pricked her eyes, "It was one of those random mornings he was home and he wrapped me up and offered up the name and I loved it. And when we looked at her when she was born, it solidified. She was Juniper." "You really do love your family, huh?" "My husband is my soulmate, and my daughter is a symbolism of our love. I'm a mom and a partner. Sam always goes on that he values the word wife over partner because it diminishes my role in his life." "He must value you pretty high." She smiled, "He said he first got a crush on me when he was twelve." "How old is he now?" "Twenty two." "Ten whole years? I see where he's coming from." She smiled at him, rubbing her belly. "Alright, mama. We're here."

    The doctor smiled at her as the doors opened, "Hi Miss Layla, we're gonna get you squared away." "Is my baby going to be okay?" "Breathe, mama, we're going to do all of the tests needed to keep your baby in you. Okay? It might be uncomfortable for a while." "Is my husband here yet?" "Not yet. But we're going to transfer you up to labor and delivery, okay? So if you want to text him and tell him." She pulled her phone out of her purse. 'Going to labor and delivery.' She put her phone back in her purse.

    Once they got her inside, they transferred her to a wheelchair. The nurse began pushing her to an elevator, "First baby?" "Second. My husband and I have a little girl. She's my entire world." "How old is she?" "Two and a half." "Is she excited to be a big sister?" "Overly, she's been asking me when my baby is done cooking and if she has a baby in her belly." "Well, hopefully it will be a few more weeks. I don't think they're done cooking yet." "He's a boy. My husband told me he had a dream about it when he was seventeen that we would have three kids, two girls and a boy in the middle." "How old were you guys when you got together?" "Nineteen and twenty-two." "So he had a thing for you before you got together?" The nurse helped her into a gown and into bed once they reached the room. Layla smiled, "We were neighbors growing up, he said he got his first crush on me when he was twelve." "And didn't get you for seven years? He must've known you're the one." Layla smiled warmly at her, "It took me a while to come around, but he really is my one. We know each other's likes and dislikes. He makes me laugh all the time because he's just a goofy and laughable person. His laugh alone warms every cell in my body and he has the goofiest and worst stoner laugh on the planet. He loves me unconditionally and I love him the same."

    "Now, before he gets in here, do you mind if I check your cervix? He can help you get changed into your own gown later." Layla nodded, getting in position as the nurse checked her, "Good news, you're only dilated to about a two. Hopefully we can get you the medicine you need and get you home." She began to pull her phone from her purse as she heard him, out of breath, and wildly concerned, "Layla Kiszka?!" "Her nurse is in her room with her. Take a deep breath. She's okay. She just got in bed." The aide walked him to her room and he almost deflated seeing her. She looked over in the doorway, "Hey baby." The nurse looked over, "Is this the one and only that you were telling me about?" She whistled lowly. "The way I heard her talk about you, you really must be the perfect man." Sam knew he wasn't. They had their arguments and differences. He let her down more times than he could count, and she still held true. Layla smiled, "My perfect man, for sure. One of a kind." She reached out a hand for him. He reached her, kissing her knuckles, then the crown of her head. Another nurse began to bring in the monitors for both Layla and the baby. Sam stepped on her other side, not letting go of her hand, periodically kissing her knuckles. The nurse smiled at the two of them, "The doctor will be in soon, okay? I'm going to stand here and chart, but act like I'm not here."

Homeward Bound//Sam Kiszka x OC!LaylaWhere stories live. Discover now