The Adventure Begins

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    Two weeks. It had been two weeks since he'd seen his wife and son. He stared up at the ceiling as Juniper's small body was curled against his. She had taken to sleeping in his room the last couple weeks, often crying for Layla at night, so he just gave up on trying to get her to sleep in her own bed. She sighed deeply in her sleep, pushing her breath into his bare side. He missed his wife. He sighed, getting up from the bed, grabbing his phone and going into the living room. She answered on the third ring, mask covering the bottom half of her face, "Hey baby." "I miss you. I can't sleep without you."

    She smiled softly with her eyes, "When did you start growing out a beard?" "Since I miss you. Eating, sleeping, and shaving aren't priorities. Just taking care of Bean." "Guess what, Daddy?" He laid his head against the armrest of the couch, "What, Mama?" She panned her phone camera down to their son who was breastfeeding, and fervently at that. His jaw dropped, "No fucking way. When did they take him off his feeding tube?!" "Just a little bit ago. They called me and said they were going to try and see how he did, if he would even latch." "And he latched?" "Right away. Eating better than Juniper ever did." "Does that mean what I think it means?" "They said forty eight hours. If he can consistently eat like this and gains weight, we can possibly go home in forty eight hours." "Atlas Francis, I need you to listen to your dad right now, I need you to be the biggest fat kid on the planet. If I have to go another week without kisses from your mom, I think I'm going to lay in between lanes on the freeway." Layla shot him a disappointed look over her mask, "Francis." "Whaaaat? I want you both home. I miss you, Bean misses you, Rosie misses you, Spaghetti misses you." "The turtle does not miss me, goofy." "You don't know that. Look!" He swapped the camera to show their turtle's tank which he had recently moved into the living room.

    She shook her head, "He's just floating, Samuel." "No, you can't hear him, he's going, 'Blub, blub, blub, I want my mom home so I can meet my little brother.'" She rolled her eyes at him, "You goof. Why is he in the living room?" He shrugged, "Bean and I agreed he needed to watch Nemo with us. So we moved him." "Not near my rug." "No. I know better than that." She sighed, "I miss you. I miss you so bad. It's so lonely up here." "Are you still having your morning coffee with Josh?" She nodded, "It isn't enough. I don't mind being up at all hours, I did it with Bean, but the sleep I am getting isn't comfortable." He frowned, he remembered having to leave her right after she had Juniper. She called him after a week in absolute tears, sobbing so hard she was gagging, "I can't do this, Sammy." He had Josh call their mother to go help with her that night and the few days following so she could get the proper rest. His mom and Ronnie cycled to be her second set of hands for the longest time until quarantine sent him home.

    He sighed contently, staring at his wife as she hummed the same tune as she did with Juniper, the same tune he had turned into Light My Love. Layla liked to call it Juniper's song, but really it was hers. He had gotten to get up every night of this recent tour and basically proclaim his love for his wife, repeatedly. Laying there and watching her made his heart ache. "What if I called Josh and had him come watch Bean and I came up and spent the night with you? You know he only lives around the corner." Josh had recently finally bought a house, making sure to buy in Lebanon. His excuse was that he wanted to be out of the hustle and bustle of actual Nashville, but Sam absolutely knew better that he wanted to be close to Layla. They had gone their whole lives only being separated by tour, and even then, no matter the timeframe of either of them waking up, they made sure to have coffee with each other every morning.

    She smiled again, making his heart melt, "I would love that, but they aren't letting you in, my love. Their rule was one parent at a time, and since you aren't the milk machine, it sadly has to be me." "I don't sleep well with you gone." "I don't either. I never have. Juniper is a good substitute sometimes, but she crawls completely into me and then sweats so bad." They both shook their heads, saying "Jacob," at the same time. Jake sweat profusely almost constantly. Fans would point it out in tweets and in edits about how much he sweat on stage, but it was just a regular occurrence for him. "I really feel for Savannah. I know he has the worst night sweats. The twins would sandwich me between them when we would have sleepovers and a whole side of my body would just be wet." He always chose to sneak into Josh's bed, compared to Jake's for that reason when he was younger. His older brothers were compared to the sun and moon, but the sun always ran cold and clammy, while the moon ran warm.

Homeward Bound//Sam Kiszka x OC!LaylaWhere stories live. Discover now