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Atsushi POV:

" Dazai you better not disturb me and do your work! You can't always rely on Atsushi-kun to do your work!!" yell Kunikida while doing his work.

"Ehhh.... But I don't wanna and beside Atsushi-kun doesn't mind at all, right Atsushi-kun~" said Dazai.

I have been listening the two fighting answer "Y..yes Dazai-san. Though Kunikida-san is right, you shouldn't rely on me to do your work everytime you know."

"Ehhh.... But today you will help me right~?" Before I could answer Dazai-san cut me and said "Thank you, Atsushi-kun~ You're a saviour!" He then proceed to put his headphone on and lay down on the couch while closing his eye.

I was left speechless and decide that I shouldn't try to argue since it pointless. I then start doing my paperwork including Dazai-san's that right now are sound asleep.

While working I've been wondering how peaceful Yokohama right now. I can't help but think it's too peaceful but I shrug it off thinking I must be overthinking it.

??? POV:

"Yes sir, I have locate him. Just one more thing before we start" grinned were seen in his face.


Ranpo POV:

I was on my way to ADA (Armed Detective Agency) office from a convenience store when I suddenly bumped into a tall man with hat covering his face. "I'm sorry young man" the tall man said. "It's okay" I said. The tall man then leave while I proceed to my destination.

"Good morning!!" I said when I saw my fellow coworker. " Good morning, Ranpo-san" greet Atsushi-kun. I then proceed to my seat. But before I could sit suddenly a lot amount of pain strike me at once. I collapsed on my knee while trying to breath.

Kunikida POV:

I then saw Ranpo-san on his knee looking in pain. "Ranpo-san are you ok?!" I asked trying to get closer. "K....ku...kuni..." he say before collapsing. I managed to catch him before he fall on the ground. I then carry Ranpo-san into the infirmary.

No one POV:

Everyone was shocked to see the detective sudden collapsion. Yosano then follow Kunikida to the infirmary to check on the detective. Dazai then proceed to the president office to report what just happen.

This is my first story so sorry if it's bad...

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