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Fukuzawa POV:

"So what did you guys get from the investigation about that Midnight Crescent?" I asked Kenji and Junichiro that has already come back from their mission. "Not much. It seem that they are a very secretive organisation."said Junichiro. "Yeah but we do have a witness that claimed she has meet with some of their member."said Kenji excited. "A witness?" I ask. "Yes. She is outside. We bring her here in order to questioned her." Junichiro speak. "Let's go meet her" I then proceed to get off of my chair and head off from my office to meet the witness.

"Ah hello."the girl greet me. "Hello. Are you the one that has meet with the Midnight Crescent?" " Yes. Though I doubt I have the information you want." I sit across the girl. "Don't worry at least we have some information. So what is your name?" "It's Minami Shoi. Just call me Minami."she said smiling

There's a knock on the door. Then the door swing open revealing Kunikida and Kyouka at the door. "Ah President. Pardon me."said Kunikida. "It's okay." "Who is she?"asked Kunikida while pointing to the girl. "Oh she is a witness that has met the Midnight Crescent."said Kenji while holding his hand up. Kunikida and Kyouka nod to Kenji statement.

"So, Minami-san what is it that you know about them?"I asked to start the interrogation. "I don't really know much about them since I just happened to bump into one of them. The person I bumped into was pissed and was about to scold me but the other member stop him and said that they cannot make a scene since their boss want their organisation to be a secret. The pissed one then just exploded and yell 'I DONT CARE ABOUT THE MIDNIGHT CRESCENT THING!! I'M ONLY HERE BECAUSE OF THAT BASTARD SHITTY ABILITY!!'. The other member then proceed to cover his mouth and dragged him away."the girl explained.

'Hmm...What does the person mean when he said that he only there because of someone ability? Could it be he was forced to join?' I thought to myself and then proceed with the interrogation. "Well do you know anything else? Like how we will able to tell it's them or something like that." "Hmmm...Now that you asked. I do remember seeing a tattoo like thing on their neck." "A tattoo like thing? How does it look like?"I asked. "If I remember correctly it was crescent like shape..."she said trying to describe the shape.

"Is this how its look like?" Kunikida then proceed to show a piece of paper with a crescent like symbol on it.

"Is this how its look like?" Kunikida then proceed to show a piece of paper with a crescent like symbol on it

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"Ah that exactly what its look like!"she claimed. "How did you get that picture."I asked curiously. "It was together with the letter that was in Atsushi apartment." Kunikida then proceed to explain about the letter, the first hint they were given and how Dazai right now are on his way to find the third hint.

"Alright then, Minami-san thank you for your cooperation. We really appreciate it." "Don't mention it. I glad I can help. If there nothing more I will excuse myself." She said bowing and leaving the agency. "So what did you got from your investigation?" I asked Kunikida and Kyouka. "Well we found some lead" They then proceed to explain their investigation result. "Okay then. When Dazai come back we are going to have a meeting." I said going to my office. 'I really hope we can find Atsushi.'

I'm back guys! I'm very sorry. It have been long since my last update. I'm busy with my school lately. And if you guys notice, today I write longer than I usually do to cover the days that I don't update. I hope you enjoy my story!!

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