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Dazai POV:

I already found the third and fourth hint. The third hint is in the warehouse where Atsushi-kun first discovered about his tiger ability. The third hint then lead to the orphanage Atsushi-kun used to live. When I arrived there, I was welcomed by one of the staff there.


"Are you with the Armed Detective Agency?"the staff asked. "Yes, I am. Why?" "Here. A shady person come and hand me this saying that a member of ADA will come for this paper. I was confused at first then he said if I failed then someone might die because of me. So I've been waiting for you to come." he said giving me a piece of paper. I immediately know this is the hint I'm looking for. "Thank you. I really appreciate it." I said then leave the orphanage.

-Flashback end-

I take the paper and read it.

Just for your information the next hint gonna be the last hint. So make sure you find it!

Fourth hint:

The Port Mafia Base....

I'm shocked by how straightforward the hint was. It seem suspicious but I just shrugged it off. I need to go back to the ADA to discuss about the last hint since it is in the enemy base, I can't just go in there like that.

After a couple of hours, I finally arrived at the ADA. I open the door to see everyone is there.

Kunikida POV:

The door flung open revealing Dazai at the door. "Dazai did you get all the hint?" I asked. "Not all. I still didn't get the last hint." Dazai said revealing three piece of paper on his hand. "Why not?" Kenji asked tilting his head slightly to the side. "The last hint is in the Port Mafia base." "WHAT!?" we all screamed.

"Hmmm.....we need to think of a way then. We're going to have a meeting." Fukuzawa said. We all go to the meeting room to discuss the plan.

Atsushi POV:

I was about to fall asleep when suddenly I hear the door open. Tap....tap....tap....I hear a footstep coming toward me. "Kyaaa~!! You're so cute up close!" After hearing the voice I look up to see a woman with blonde hair looking at me.

This the woman outfit:

" Awww~ your eyes are so~ beautiful

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" Awww~ your eyes are so~ beautiful." she said holding my face so I don't look away. She then look straight into my eyes. "It make me want to gouge your eyes out and put them in the jar so I can stare at them everyday." Her statement make me shiver as I imagine how painful would it be.

"W....who are" I try to ask fighting the fear. "My~ how rude am I? Well you can just call me Sherry~. You just meet Toshi right? I'm his lover~" "Toshi...?" "Yeah the man that meet you just now, Hitoshi." She then gasp and cover her mouth. "Could it be he didn't tell you his name?" I shook my head. "How rude of him to do that. He should tell your his name at least." She then pout.

"My~my~ that hurt me you know, Sherry~." Hitoshi came in while holding his chest dramatically. "Toshi~!!" Sherry then proceed to hug Hitoshi. "I miss you!!" Sherry said while snuggling Hitoshi. Hitoshi chuckles. "I know I know me too." "Don't ever make me go on a mission that far away from you ever again!" "Of course my dear~" Hitoshi said and then look at me.

He then smirk......

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