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No one POV:

"Who does they think they are declaring war to us like that?!!" "Calm down chibi, you're hurting everyone ears" "Shut up mackerel!!" Dazai was about to tease Chuuya when the president cut him. "Now please calm down, I know all of us have go through a lot lately. But we need to work together since we don't know the capabilities of TMC yet." Everyone calm done, well as calm as they can be. "Now, I'm pretty sure their motive involves our little weretiger here. Say Nakajima, do you know what it is?" Mori ask staring at Atsushi that has recover enough to join the meeting.

All eyes on Atsushi, expecting an answer. "I...I don't know...I don't even know him. I have no idea what they want from me." Atsushi say, a bit uncomfortable with all the attentions.
"Know him? Did you saw his face?" Kunikida ask. "Yes, actually. He doesn't even try to cover it. He seems to be in late thirties. He has ocean blue eyes with black hair reaching his shoulder. His name is Hitoshi, at least that what his lover, Sherry told me. She's a blonde with blood red eyes."

"It seems that they don't even care you knowing theirs face but go as far as to cover their face in the video. How intriguing~" Dazai say. "Is there anything else Atsushi?" The president ask. "Well they did said the name of the ability that attack Ranpo-san. It's called 'Deep Slumber'. I don't know the details though. Anything that happens after that just a blur. Like the memories just get wipe out of my brain." say Atsushi.

"That's another mystery of its own. When I did a check up on him, its appears that you don't have any brain damage that can cause memory loss. So what i can think of is they're using some kind of an ability to erase your memory" explain Yosano. "And what are they trying to hide, to go as far as that?" Ask Chuuya, confuse.

Everyone are silent. No one knows the answer. At that time they all are thinking of a same thing, 'Just what have we gotten ourselves into.'

Sherry POV:

I slice the neck of the man in front of me. "And that the last one. I thought it's going to be more challenging." "It's challenging for majority of people, you just so good at it dear~" Toshi suddenly pop out from behind me. "I know, still it is not as fun as before" "I'm sure there's gonna be an opponent that match your skill, you just have to wait." Toshi reassured.

"Fine..." "Now, now, don't be so gloom we should be happy, since we already have this necklace, 'The Necklace of A Fallen Angel'. Now we can proceed with our plan...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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