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Dazai POV:

I woke up to the sound of shuffling near me. I open my eyes to see Atsushi trying to sit up on the bed. I rush to help him sit up. "Be careful Atsushi. You're still healing you know."

" S...sorry D...Dazai-s...san " he said and gosh his voice sound awful. "Here drink this." I said giving him a glass of water on the table beside the bed. Yosano probably put it there knowing how dehydrated Atsushi is.

Atsushi drink the water almost instantly and I told him to slow down if he don't wanna choke himself. "T...thanks Dazai-san" he said giving me the now empty glass back. "How are you feeling now Atsushi-kun"

"Better but I do have a slight headache" he answered. "Hmm.... Mind telling me what they did to you?" I asked wanting an answer.

"They...." He suddenly lean forward and clutching his head. "I d...don't r...remember. I try to but its hurt....aggghhhh!!" he said clutching his head harder and start having trouble to breath.

"It's okay Atsushi you don't have to remember. Come on Atsushi I need you to breath in.....breath out..... breath in......breath out.....yes just like that. Are you with me?" I ask to be safe.

"Y...yes... I'm sorry." he said. "There's no need to be sorry for Atsushi. You didn't do anything wron-" I was cut off by the sound of the infirmary door opening.

"Oh! You are awake. How are you?" Yosano ask getting in. "Fine...just a slight headache." "Hmm.....let me check you." She started doing check up on Atsushi. She finish after a few minutes. "Alright you are good to go. But you'll need to have someone looking after you. After all we don't know if the Midnight Crescent will attack you again or not. So we need someone else other than Kyouka-chan to look after you."

"I'll look after him. After all I live close to him." I volunteer. "Sure but you need to discuss this with president first." "Will do~" I said getting out of the infirmary.

Sherry POV:

"Why did you let him go so easily Toshi~." I asked curious with my baby plan. "Well~ I have my own reason~ You just have to wait and see my dear~" he said grinning.

Of course he didn't tell me, he did it all the time. But his plans always brilliant so I really look forward for it. Hihi~ I can't wait.

So yeah I'm back. I decided to continue this story since i already have a rough idea for the plot. And thanks for your guys support that have become a part of why I decide to continue this story. So i hope you guys enjoy~❤️

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