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Mori POV:

"Well, well. What do I do for the ADA to be here?" I asked looking at the ADA member in front of me. Can't say I am not shocked by their sudden appearance at Port Mafia territory. "Well we have something that we really need at Port Mafia base." Fukuzawa answers my question. "And may I know what it is?" "A hint."Hint for what exactly?" "Should we tell him?"asked Dazai. "We need to if we want to find the hint." Fukuzawa say. "Very well then." Dazai then explained from what happen to the number 1 detective, their kidnapped weretiger and to how the kidnapper want to play detective with them by making they search hint for their member whereabout.

"Hmmm......well I don't know about the hint but maybe my man know about it." I call both Chuuya-kun and Akutagawa-kun to my offices. After several minutes they arrive. "Chuuya-kun~ how are you~?" "Amazing before I see you!" snarl Chuuya-kun. "Aw~ don't be so mean chibi~" "JUST SHUT UP!" "Now, now. Everyone please calm down. I call both of you because I want to ask something." They all calm down and wait for me to proceed. "Do you happen to see or have something that seem like a hint?" "Hah? A hint? What for?"Chuuya-kun asked raising one of his eyebrow. "Well...." I tell them exactly what the ADA told me.

"Hah?! Is that weretiger a trouble magnet or something. He always seem to have someone after his head." Chuuya-kun share his opinion. "Stupid Jinko." Akutagawa-kun reach something in his pocket. "Just now someone give me this saying it was important since it can save someone live. Of course I don't care about someone else life. But he say it is Jinko life. I can't let him die before I kill him." He pass the paper to Dazai. Dazai then open the paper and read it out loud.

Congratulations you manage to get the last hint! But its no really a hint. Since you guys have do well, I will give back your precious weretiger. Just like I promise. But of course, I won't give him easily.....

Come at XXXXXXXXXX. I will meet you guys there...

~The Midnight Crescent~

'The Midnight Crescent? Who are they?' I thought to myself after Dazai finished reading. "Its look like we need to prepare for possible fight since like the letter say it look like they won't give up Atsushi-kun that easily." Dazai speak up. "Yes, we will need every manpower we have." Fukuzawa said. "Since Port Mafia are somewhat involved in this, I would like to offer some of my manpower." I offer. "What do you want in return?" Dazai ask suspiciously. "Nothing, of course. I just want to show them what happen when they enter Port Mafia territory" I give them my infamous smirk.

"If you say so, I guess we can use a little help" Fukuzawa said. "Marvelous, Chuyaa, Akutagawa, both of you are going to help them." "Wha- ughhh fine!" Chuyaa glare toward Dazai. "Just don't get on my nerves!" "No promise~" Dazai grin at Chuyaa receiving a glare from him.

"Okay then, let's go!" Dazai said energeticly.

I'm so so so sorryyyyy!!! It's been a while since I last update. I'm so busy lately. I also kinda stuck on how to proceed the story. But I already manage to think about my story plot. I hope you enjoy this chapter. And again I'm so sorry!!

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