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No one POV:

"I have run test to Ranpo-san, but nothing is wrong with him. It's seem like he fall asleep" said Yosano. "What do you mean fall asleep? I clearly saw him in pain before he fall!" claimed Kunikida. "I don't know myself" said Yosano while make a thinking posture.

"Maybe this will help." Kenji went into the infirmary while holding a paper. Kunikida take the paper and read it. After reading, he has a shocked expression on his face. "Call the other, we having a meeting!" Kunikida order the boy. "Okay!!"said Kenji while running outside.

Atsushi POV:

I was told by Kenji-kun that we are having an emergency meeting. When I arrived, everyone is already there. "The reason I gathered all of you here is regarding Ranpo-san condition" Kunikida then proceed reading the paper that he received from Kenji.

Dear Armed Detective Agency,

What a lame name! By the way, I guess your no. 1 detective have fallen asleep by now. Don't worry though since he only taking a very very very long nap. In order to wake him up you need a true love kiss!! Just kidding!! Of course not. Only the abilities user that make him like that can reverse his own abilities. Though good luck finding him! What our objective you say. Well that for us to know and for you to find out. But we'll be borrowing one of you to achieve our objective!! We'll be coming for you THE CHOOSEN ONE.....

~The Midnight Crescent

Everyone is dumbfounded by the letter content. 'The Choosen one??' I thought to myself. "Whatever their objectives are we need to stop them from taking one of us and find the abilities user who make Ranpo-san like this" Everyone agreeing with Fukuzawa. "Whoever they are, they definitely the careful type since they target Ranpo-san first knowing his great deduction ability" Dazai-san add.

The president then give everyone permission to go home and advice that we shouldn't be alone since we don't know who they're after. Kyouka-chan and I then go to our shared apartment both with our guard up in case we get ambushes. We arrived safe and sound.

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