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Atsushi POV:

I awake at I believe was 2 in the morning due to my dry throat. So I get out from the closet slowly not to wake Kyouka-chan up and toward the kitchen. After I finished drinking water and about to go to my bedroom, I smell something and suddenly I feel kinda dizzy so I immediately close my nose with my hand. 'Is this sleeping gas?'

Door to my apartment suddenly fling open revealing 2 people wearing all black and gas mask. "Oh, it seems he still awake." "Look like we need to do this the harder way" say the other person while pulling out a gun and shoot at me. I realizing it to late got shot by the shoulder. "Arrggghhhh...!!" I change into my half tiger form to dodge another bullet that come to me.

I try to attack them but miss since I'm started to get sleepy from the sleeping gas resulting in me thrashing the whole kitchen. Kyouka-chan probably don't notice it due to the sleeping gas.

When I stop dodging I have my back on a window when suddenly I hear the window shattering. "What-" just as I turn around another person in black shot me with what seem like a sleeping dart.

My eyes become blurry and then darkness......


Kyouka-chan POV:

"Riiiiiiinnnggggggg......."my alarm sound wake me up. I then reach for my phone to turn off the alarm. I sit up and rub my eyes that are itchy before going to the closet where Atsushi-kun sleep.

"Atsushi-kun wake up" I said opening the closet door only to see that he is not there. 'Huh? That's weird. Maybe he already up and is having breakfast'

When I arrived at the kitchen, I was shocked to see how messy the kitchen is. 'Is that...blood?' I then proceed to search for Atsushi-kun but to no avail.

I call Dazai-san and told him everything from the missing Atsushi to the blood pool in the kitchen. He then asked me to come to the agency to discuss this with the other.

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