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No one POV:

Dazai, Kunikida and Kyouka arrive at Atsushi apartment. Dazai and Kunikida shocked to see the mess in the kitchen. They started doing investigation around the apartment to look for a clue.

"Kyouka-chan is this papers here before?"ask Dazai showing two papers in his hand. "No there isn't any when I search this kitchen." "Hmmm...weird. Let see what written inside." Dazai open the first paper and read it out loud.


I see you already found this letter. Congratulations!! You must know by now that your little weretiger is missing. Don't worry we won't hurt him a bit.....maybe a little bit if he decide to make a hassle. Ooohh....you must be wondering why I wrote this letter right. Well I'm kinda bored so let play a game! We're going to play detective! Obviously that what you guys good at. The rule is simple, I will give you a hint and using that hint you're going to find another hint. And of course to make thing more interesting, there will be a time limit. You are given 24 hours to find him. Well if you fail........who know....

GOOD LUCK!! Trust me you need it.

~The Midnight Crescent

They all stared at each other. Dazai then take another paper that he believe was the first hint. On the paper there is a crescent like simbol.

Dazai open the paper and read the hint out loud

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Dazai open the paper and read the hint out loud.

First hint:

This is where it all started.
The place where he make a choice that change his life completely.
And also the place that he treasure dearly.

"Where is this place?"asked Kunikida while making a thinking posture. "Could it be...... Kunikida-kun, Kyouka-chan I think I know where this is. Can you guys continue searching the house while I look for the hint?"ask Dazai.

"Sure but if I found out you trying another suicide...."before Kunikida can finish talking he was cut by Dazai " I won't." Said Dazai with unusually serious face. "Okay then." Dazai quickly get out from the apartment and running toward his destination.




Sorry for the late post because I'm tired because of school and stuff.
And thank you for the one that vote my book 'SumilexyRomero' for being my first voter. Thank you so much!!

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