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No one POV:

They arrived at the location and preparing for upcoming battle. The place is an abandoned warehouse at the outskirts of the town. Junichiro, Kenji and Chuuya are fighting the Midnight Crescent underling while Dazai, Kunikida and Akutagawa get in and find Atsushi. Yosano are standing by incase someone get hurt. Most of the MC underling fighting them with guns while just a little that have abilities.

While they're fighting, Dazai, Kunikida and Akutagawa have manage to sneak in and now are searching for Atsushi. They also knock out anyone they cross path with.

Akutagawa POV:

"Just where is Jinko?" It's been half an hour and we still didn't find him. We go through every room we came across with. Why does this place has to be so big? "I'm sure we'll fine him eventually." Dazai-san say. We walk for another few minute when we hear a muffle sound and clinking of a chain.

"There. It came from that room." We all rushed to the said room. When we open the door, we saw the weretiger bound to the wall with chains and a gag around his mouth. "Mmmhhmhh"
He tried to say something but can't because of the gag.

"Atsushi!" Kunikida then proceed to release the gag from his mouth. "T.. thank" His voice rough probably because his throat is dry. I summon Rashoumon and cut through the chains. He fell forward almost kissing the floor when Dazai-san caught him just in time.

"Are you okay Atsushi-kun?" Dazai-san ask concerned. "F...fine.. Just a l...little tired." "Okay then, I'm gonna carry you outside since it seem you won't be able to walk." Atsushi nod his head and Dazai-san proceed to carry him in a bridal style.

No one POV:

They get out of the warehouse and bring Atsushi to Yosano for check up. She said there nothing serious, Atsushi just dehydrated and have a few cut around where the chain were bound. Too tired, Atsushi fell unconscious in the car. They get back to the agency while Chuuya and Akutagawa get back to Port Mafia base.

Once they were there, Dazai carry Atsushi and put him on the infirmary bed beside Ranpo. He then insist to watch the boy and ask the other to get a rest. The others agree and get back to their home.

Dazai POV:

'Why is it seem so easy. The security at the warehouse is not so tight considering how they say they won't be giving Atsushi-kun so easily. Is there something they're planning. I will get to that later, right now I just have to wait for Atsushi-kun to wake up.' I sitting on the chair beside Atsushi-kun bed, putting my arm under my head and slowly drifting.

Hey guys! I'm back. Phew, at last the exam is finally over and I can relax a bit.

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