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No one POV:

"Okay everyone settle down"said Dazai. "Why are you suddenly make a meeting huh Dazai? There better be a good reason." ask Kunikida. "Well, Kyouka-chan~ would you mind explained to them about what just happened?"

"Sure" Kyouka then explained about what just happen to Atsushi, about the mess in the kitchen and how the weretiger is gone.

Kenji hold up his hand"So the choosen one that they mean is Atsushi-kun??"
"It seem so. We must planned our search. Dazai do you have any lead?"Fukuzawa said.

"Not really, but I bet we'll find some lead in Atsushi apartment" "Okay then, Kenji and Junichiro you guys will ask around about this organisation. Dazai, Kunikida and Kyouka will investigate Atsushi apartment. Yosano you stay to look after Ranpo" "Yes, sir!"said everyone.

Atsushi POV:

My eyes blink open just to squeeze it back because of the blinding light. I take a few second to adjust my sight. When my sight is back I could see that I'm in some kind of basement. I try to move but it seem that my hand are chained to the wall. I could feel pain in my shoulder. I look at it and see blood coming out of it. I try to remember how I get that wound and I then remember the incident that happen at my apartment.

'Ugghhh... Who are they? Are they the same person that send the letter to us? What their name again? I don't remember.' "It seem our guest already up" I immediately look up to see a man walking toward me.

' "It seem our guest already up" I immediately look up to see a man walking toward me

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(He wore something like this)

"W..who are you? What do you want?" "Well who am I is not important. All you need to know is I'm the leader of The Midnight Crescent. Nice to meet you" he said while bowing. "So you are the one who make Ranpo-san like that!! What do you do to him?!"

"You worried more about him then yourself huh... I see a selfless type indeed. You don't have to worry about him. He was just put in a deep~deep~ sleep by one of my underling. He has an ability call 'Deep Slumber'." I sigh in relieve knowing Ranpo-san isn't hurting. "Now now~~ Don't be so relieve since I can't guarantee your self being...THE CHOOSEN ONE...."




To my reader, thank you for reading this. I appreciate it. This my first time writing a story and my main language is not English so please correct me if I make a mistake.

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