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Kunikida POV:

We are having a meeting to discuss the event that had occured yesterday and our success in saving Atsushi. All member are there except for Ranpo since he still under the ability effect. Everything were good until a loud crash sound from outside the meeting room. Everyone almost instantly on high alert and try to investigate the noise.

When we get outside we see the source of the noise, a young boy that look like 15 are standing in front of a shattered window which we believe what make the loud crash noise.

"Sorry for intruding and shattering your window. My name is Kugutsu and I'm here to deliver Master's message to the ADA and PM.

He take out a phone and there is a video of a man but his face was not included. The only thing we can see is his body.

" Hello ADA and PM. What a lovely day isn't it? It's a perfect day for chaos don't you think? Well as you guys probably know, we are The Midnight Crescent and I'm the leader. Yesterday was not a great day since the ADA take ours choosen one away..... But don't worry, just so you know we'll take him back no matter what. Ohh! And since both the organization going to receive this message, i just want to say that I, the leader of TMC (The Midnight Crescent) declare WAR towards Yokohama. Stop us if you can~ "

Right after the video end, the kid, known as Kugutsu, suddenly run toward the shattered window and jump to the other building.

" W...wait!! " I yell but he was long gone. " What just happen? " Tanizaki ask. " If they have the gut to declare war to us knowing our strength, then they must be a foe that cannot be taken lightly. " the president say. "The Port Mafia boss just call me and request a meeting between both organization regarding the war declaration."

The other quickly prepare for the meeting that will held at the agency meeting room.

Dazai POV:

'What is their motive and what it have to do with Atsushi? We cannot let them take Atsushi again. The fact that Atsushi don't remember what they do to him is already concerning. I need to have my eyes on him all the time.'

Hitoshi POV:

"Thank you so much, sir! I owe my life to you. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" said the stranger. I just save him from getting killed by a drunkard. Too bad he don't know how much his word weight.

"There is, actually" I said grinning. "What is it? I wi-" I grab his neck and activate my ability.

"An eye for an eye"








A quick note this story will go at a slow pace since I only have rough idea for the plot. So I don't really know when I will update. But I will try to update at least once a month. I wish you enjoy~

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