Chapter 23 - Destroying Krogan

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(Toothless POV)

The gang and I all was ready for the attack. We trained hard for this moment. The sun was about to set and the attack was about to start. We had Krogan's village in sight. He was never going to expect this. "Okay guys let's inch a little closer." Hiccup said to us. 

We had an army of around 50 dragons and humans. That should be enough by a mile. We continued to get a little closer every few minutes. We were waiting for all those people to retreat to their homes so they can't see us attack. Plus it would give us a few minute advantage over them.

 Which is plenty of time to destroy this place.

 The sun was fully set and the moon was shining in the horizon. We see the last few village members go inside. It was time for the attack. "Get ready guys it's time." Hiccup said to us.

 We all got closer to the village and quickly inspected it. A lot of things were made of wood like walls and houses. I simple plasma bolt should be able to destroy all that. We all swoop down and land on the ground. There defenses were very weak and my plasma bolt can shoot it down easily. Humans started breaking the walls with their swords. 

There swords easily cut threw the walls and wood came crashing down. I shot a plasma bolt at the wall and most of the wall came crashing down.

 Those people can definitely hear the destruction going on. 

We didn't want to injure or even kill anybody so we avoided the houses for now. There were many crates of supplies so I ripped it apart and cans of food and other things came out of the crate.

 I kept smashing them. 

If they have no supplies they cant attack us. Simple. Wood and supplies were scattered all around this place. It was a complete mess.

 Suddenly, some people from the village noticed what we were doing. I saw them rush into a specific direction. They are definitely going to tell Krogan. 

We need to do this fast and leave! Most people were out of there houses to go get ready to fight us so I shot a plasma bolt at those too. Stone and wood came crashing down

. I hope they enjoy what we went through. Most houses and walls were destroyed and I hear Hiccup say "Okay we got to go!" I quickly run to Hiccup and he jumped on my back and we flew up too leave. 

"Not so fast" I hear a familiar voice say.

 I saw Krogan and his whole army surrounding us. Great. We couldn't get out in time. 

"I can't believe you guys did this.. you will pay" Krogan said to us.

 This is going to be a bloodbath. I can tell already.

(Lopi POV)

"How do you know my name?!" They said to be surprised. 

Does she recognize me still?

 "Just look at me and see if you recognize somebody." I say to her.

 She inspects me and see if she can maybe now me. I see her get too my eyes and her face lights up. "Wait, Lopi!?" Velvia said to me in shock. "Yep, that's me." She gives me a huge hug.

 Finally, after 8 years I am finally where I should be. "Where have you been?! Its been so long." Velvia said to me. "Yeah it's been a while. Almost died a few times along the way but I made it." I say to her.

 "Mom and dad are going to be so excited to see you in um a few months." 

"Why in a few months? 

"They are on a mission or something. They were sent by the leaders to do something. I really don't know what but they will be back soon." She said to me.

 "Anyway how about we go to are home. You know, catch up. It's been years!" She said to me.

 "Follow me." I started following her to our well not our but her house. I was so excited to see her again. I thought this day would never come true! But it has. It was worth the wait by far. I hope Melora has had the same luck.

 "Hey Vel." I heard someone say. 

I hear Velvia sigh in annoyance and says "Hey" in a boring tone.

 "Who he." I ask her. "You know what love is?" She asked me. "Oh, I get it. He wants you?" I say to her. 

"Mhm...." "Ah gotcha. He seems stupid." 

"He can be annoying at times but he's.....alright." "What's his name?" "Thunder" "That sounds dumb" "I know" I hear "Thunder" say "How about you finally give me a chance." He said to Velvia.

 "Ill think about it." Velvia said to him. "Also who's he?" Thunder pointed to me. I look at him and say "Her brother." "You never told me you had a brother Vel." "Well yeah I do. He has just been away from quite some time so I went to spend a little time with him." Velvia said to him. "Maybe you should spend some time with me." He said to her. He is the definition of annoying as shit.

 "Maybe you should shut the hell up." I say to him.

 He just rolls his eyes at me. "Lopi, it's whatever don't make it a big deal it's fine." Velvia said to me. We left and continued on. "So do you think I should give him a chance?" Velvia said to me. "Your choice. I am not into any of that stuff." I say to her. A few minutes later we arrived st this nice house.

 "This is the place." Velvia said. She walked up to the door and unlocked and opened it. "Come on in." Velvia said. I walk in the house. It looked very nice. Suddenly I hear small footsteps walk down the stairs.

 I see a night fury with orange eyes come down the stairs. "Who is that?" I say to Velvia surprised. "Oh, I completely forgot to tell you. She is also your sister." "What?"

Chapter is done! Lopi finally found his sister again and maybe even another? Thanks for reading!

Word count: 1045

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