A Fantasy Or A Dream

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I open the screen on the screen on the ceiling to watch the video of my Josie or what I call my pussycat in private. I nicknamed her that because of the Scooby Doo cartoon and Josie and The Pussycats musical group in it. I watch as the beginning of our video showing her teasing me sexually. Then I join her in it. Because we need to be out of town and sometimes have no way of connecting to each other we created these videos to get us through those periods. After getting my fill of Josie via video I fall back to sleep. I am fondling her nice breast when Taylor knocks on the door awakening me r3minding me we need to leave for the Montesano high school speech at their graduation and to set up meetings of the new interns we might find. I grab my things and get in the helicopter to get to Montesano quickly. Our pilot was already in the pilots seat so I just let him fly us.
He must have relaxed watching his videos this am. I thought they were a bad idea and said as much when I found out about them. Mr Grey has security features in place to prevent them from being stolen. Gail says it makes him happy and that is all that counts.
There are flowers already there so I just place mine among them. I think there are others there too. I head to work afterward. I notice Carrick and his flowers.
I hand the flowers to someone and head back to my car. Today is going to be a long day.
Mia and I brought a huge bunch of flowers of all kinds and we dropped them off and I drop her off at the Mile High Club,where she is second chef after the head chef. She earned that position the hard way. Christian never gave her a leg up and told everyone to treat her like any other employee on staff and they did. I head to Christian's and just made it to the helipad to get on it for the trip to Montesano.
The teams have made it to the auditorium and are ready for us now. We finally make it to our location and land in the field by the high school and anchor the blades down. Rough job.
Elliott and I head in to talk to the students we have in mind as interns. I have five listed and Elliott has six of them. I bump into a young lady in a artist smock. She apologizes and barely looks up at me. I tell her it was okay. We went on our way, we see the products of the participants in todays competition for internships with all the companies here. Elliott finds his target interns and mine are there as well. I start looking and there are identical what looks to be triplets. The young lady in the smock is one of them and one of my candidates. I have her in mind for a mural of Josie in several places. I am bumped forward by someone and I head to the young lady who has her head down and something still seems off then I see it. The black eye hiding under makeup. Her sisters are doing a good job of helping her pitch her works. I know an abused woman when I see them. Several of my female employees have been abused. So was my Josie. I introduce myself to Anastasia and my wedding band catches on her engagement ring. It falls off her finger and then I see how thin she is compared to her sisters Nina and Willow. There is stiff competition for them, but they take all the cards and give one back to all the companies with their information. Suddenly I notice a man storming over to us as Anastasia has tried unsuccessfully to put her ring back on. The man glares at her and then me as I help her twist the cable around the shank to get it to stay in her finger. He grabs her hand and shives the ring into place and grabs her by the arm and drags her out if the auditorium. All the while I see her sisters and they call someone and they understand. They stay put, but I see worry on their faces. I tell Taylor to get security to find out where the guy bullying the artist took her to.
Did you see her black eye?
Dad will make sure he goes to jail this time. I hope he can't get to her again. She has lost fifteen pounds just to fit into that damn wedding dress he said belonged to his mother. That's a brand new dress and she will never fit into it and I think he knows that. I think he is trying to make her to weak to defend herself.
Jack please Zi can't keep up with you. He drags me into the mens room and loves the door. How dare you take your ring off and allow another man to place it back on your finger. He punches me in my ribs and then he says you are still too big for my mother's dress are you eating the wrong things again. He punches me again and I fall to the floor and he kicks me over and over again.
I told you that you are not going to work after we marry so why are you here for the internships? Handholding a married man have you no morals? Carol was right you are just a slut. You should be glad I love you enough to marry you. I kick her again and again. Learn how to cover up those black eyes. We can't have people thinking I beat you up. Or us that what you want. I kick her again and tell her to go straight home and I leave her on the filthy bathroom floor where she belongs.
I crawl out the door before it closes on me and everything goes black.
Sir the young lady has been found unconscious half in and out of the mens room door. I suggest an ambulance and the police.
I tell her sisters that their sister is going to need an ambulance and her boyfriend needs to have charges pressed against him. We head to where Anastasia Steele is lying on the ground and someone us giving her CPR.
I watch as they try to bring my Josue back and decide to deliver our 20 week old sons. She had a stalker that no one had reported to any of us. They have never found him yet. She was beaten so badly she was barely alive and you could see they were killing our babies and then her. Our babies died an hour after the were born. I stayed in our room for days watching our regular videos. The funeral was hard to attend, but I had to be there for her, Jacob and Teddy. The tiny caskets broke my heart.
End of Flashback
That was nearly three years ago. Two days from today. Today is the day she died taking our boys with her. Taylor jostles me and says we need to take the girls to the hospital. I agree and all of us get into the cars with the security teams and head to the hospital.
Are you okay?
Yes, I hope she is okay.
I want to kill that man with my bare hands. He has her scared to death of him. That's not love that's just being a bully and a controlling person.
Dad is meeting us there with Anastasia's full medical records in hand. We need to make sure Jack and Carol don't get near her again.I still don't know who Carol is. Do you think they are dragging Anastasia into a polyamory situation? Because I have seen Carol and him holding hands when they thought no one was looking.
Anastasia won't do that ever.
I listen to their conversations and listen even more. I know Elliott is listening to it. But he might have had a few threesomes and maybe more. Here I am again hoping a young woman survives her beating from a supposed loved one. I text Taylor and have him check out Jack and Carol Hyde. Plus see how many times visits to the hospital she has had since meeting these two.  Run her background checks as well.
We arrive and they have rushed Anastasia to the operating room. The ER doctor says they had to perform CPR four times because she flatlined.
She lost the babies. They didn't have a chance. We can get her free of him now. The babies being killed by him should be enough to end her connection to him.

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