Nina And Ethan

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Ethan and I have been traveling with our children and finally get back home to Seattle and find our children and our families have lost members and gained members of our family. Mom passed away while we were gone and we finally got here and even one of Kate's children passed away.
I am so exhausted and we arrive and go stay with mom and dad.
I have came back after a long time traveling and taking photographs of all over with Ethan and Nina. Elliott is not thrilled at seeing me return and I can understand that since he has been getting very patient. We have children who are grown now. But Elliott hasn't moved on we have to talk and I am sure it isn't going to go well. After I got over there I was taken hostage and no one knew it. I unfortunately also was impregnated by my kidnappers and just got my children and myself free with Ethan Nina's help.
Frowns when he sees me with three children hanging onto me. Nina and Ethan are introducing there children to all of us and Willow introduces the three children. Asher Elliott, Kimberly Sue and Adam Christian Grey. They are definitely not my children but we thought Willow was dead all these years. Here she us with three children.
I go over and meet the children and Ray joins us and he hugs Nina and Willow and meets the kids.
I am so glad Anastasia is an artist that doesn't travel. Especially now when the dead has arisen. I asked how the Kavanagh took to seeing their grandchildren again and they said they were happy and relieved.
I hug my sisters and am glad they are back from their travels.
I take her in my arms and tell her welcome back and she explains the children and that she was trying hard to get back to me,  it couldn't and her children were from being raped while being held captive. She said she has to be tested again along with the children and sex is something we shouldn't do until it is safe to do so. She is willing to give me my freedom so I can get a real wife. I thought she had ran off. I knew she had a dangerous assignment but I had no idea it was this dangerous. We didn't give up on her and her she is back with us. Luckily I had all kinds of family helping us. Things are going to need an adjustment for both of us. Then the rest of the family.
I am unsure about all of the things going on now. Kate and I are going to be grandparents and we aren't sure if Alexander is the father. We made sure that she thinks that Alexander has no money or computers accounts or much at all. If she us after money then good luck to her and whoever the father is. I made sure we got a job at GEH in the mail department and no access badges or codes to get into the system. We aren't telling even Alexander about the trap we have set up for Cheryl and whoever is behind all of this.
Mom and dad are assuring things go smoothly for Alexander. They think it is a trap as well. Well Cheryl might be setting a trap but we are setting one for her as well. I can't imagine what Willow went through and Ethan and Nina was able to get her free and back home. How they found her after all the time she was gone was beyond me.

Three months later Cheryl has a miscarriage surprise surprise. She won't sign the divorce papers. Barney and I have a plan to assure things don't go her way. We insist she go see my Ob /GYN and check her so they can get her examined to check and see if she was indeed pregnant.
Alexander made me go to the doctor after I told him I had a miscarriage. I forgot that dr Grey was a dear family friend and told him he needed to take me for an exam and a possible d and c. I can't get out of it at this point and I can be charged with fraud. His parents won't let me off easily. I finally admit to not being pregnant and they admit to hiring some to marry us. They hired a guy to act as a minister. They pretty much boxed all my things up and sent them back to my parents home. Kate really had words with me and said that I was not a good person at all. She told me that if someone was in on this with me that I should tell them who it was. I begged them not to press charges against me.
I won't if you volunteer to sit with children in the hospital ward for 200 hours and find out about what it is like to take care of children and see the grieving families. She has to sign in and I will be checking if she doesn't fulfill my request.
Kate came up with a way to get her to see the world in another way like we were starting to look forward to grandchildren and now we know there was no baby at all. He had never had sex with her at all. But he came up with the fake marriage and moved her into a place with no internet and he didn't allow her access to any of his accounts.
I stopped talking to my friends about this and I went to the children's ward and I started my 200 hours and Kate was stunned to see me there.
After two months I applied for a job at the hospital and I am going to go to school to be a nurses aide then a nurse maybe. I might try to be a doctor possibly. I thank Kate for a forcing me to do this.

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