Seattle Bound

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Nina, Anastasia and I are living in an apartment in Escala thanks to Elliott and Christian Grey. Jack and Carol Hyde are being charged with more unsolved crimes. Andrew Walker sold his mother's home and is living in Seattle and interning at Kavanagh Media. Nina and I are interning at Grey Architectural  and Construction Co.  Anastasia is interning for GEH and doing murals for Christian Grey. His wife and a representation of what their boys would look like. We think it is odd, but Anastasia understands and has been busy creating and recreating from photos of his wife.
Anastasia has done wonderful in painting murals especially the ones with depiction of our baby boys. Tiny photos of them during a three d sonogram was used. She painted several small photos for my desk at work and home. Roz thinks Anastasia is one hot mamacita. I tell her that Gwen my realtor is more her speed. I decide to set them up in an accidental double booked appointment in my office. Anastasia is on the scaffolding painting away and I hear her laugh for the very first time since she was released from her doctors. I just listen to her laughter.
I know that mr Grey is setting Gwen up with Roz so he double booked them to be in his office at the same time. So I just chuckle and Anastasia who is normally quiet as a mouse chuckles as well. It was the first I heard a joyful sound from her. Mr Grey was even stunned but said nothing. It has been over two months since she started her internship here and the building is beautiful now. The outside was created first and she was in charge of it all. It stands out and has won awards for all the changes done to it. The upper part of the building looks like angels sitting in clouds. You can see through the paint from inside. It is a joy to walk into the building. A peaceful scene on the walls extends into a waterfall and a small pond into the atrium where people can be outside and enjoy it all. I first thought it would all be dedicated to Josie and the boys. The cafeteria has been changed into a park like setting with park benches and picnic tables. They put a built in grill as well. Mr Grey hired staff to cook for staff if they wanted the full effect. Elliott visits quite often.
Christian had me paint a nude of his wife and then one of him and her these are behind mirrors in his walk in closets. She was a very beautiful woman. They still haven't found her or her babies killer. The trials are coming up and it is making me quite nervous. Mr Grey set up a bedroom in his penthouse to do all the prep work for all the projects he has me doing. I am in college now, so I do most of my work including my course work. Gail makes sure I eat, our bosses orders. Elliott has been visiting a lot lately and brings Willow and Nina along. I am forced out of my space to join all of them for a meal.
The work Anastasia has done is wonderful and my clients are asking for something special for their places. Buildings and homes and even their cars, boats and now they are wanting to commission her to create something special. I think she could make a lot if she opened her own studio. I think Nina could do it, but it is more structured than Anastasia's work and a couple clients stated that Anastasia's work spoke to them deeply. I not being an expert in art can't voice it, but they are right Anastasia's work does something to those who view it. Including the painting she did if Josie, Christian, and their sons. She was asked to do them by Christian and when mom saw them she insisted on having her own. Josie's family wanted something as well. Anastasia has been busy getting things done for Christmas. Willow and Nina took photographs of them and Anastasia creating them. The photos not only showed halos around their heads but three little halos around Anastasia. I saw the photos and each one was at a different angle and position. So it couldn't be the lighting. In one I swear Josie winked at me. She used to do that when we were screwing with Christian. God I miss her sense of humor. We all do.
I just found out something and it was like fate has again led me to another path. They have found out who the stalker was. Jack Hyde and his wife Carol's prints and DNA were present. I called dad and he said he would make sure he found out everything he could regarding the veracity of what I was told. I see Elliott entertaining the triplets and smile and wave. Taylor follows me into my office and I ask him not to say anything about Jack possibly being my wife and son's killer. The injuries were similar to Anastasia's and were meant to kill the babies and her.
I will get Welch and Barney on this right away. Do you want me to keep you apprised of everything or do you want to just know the major things?
Daily reports on this to me and dad. Also let Josie's dad know and bring Ray into the loop on this. He was able to assure that Jack couldn't get bailed out. Let Andrew Walker know as well. It will assuage his feeling of guilt about his mother and Anastasia and her babies. He is still working at Kavanagh Media so have him sign a NDA.
He has volunteered it before Anastasia left the hospital. He felt it would assure Kavanagh wasn't hiring him so he could be a source of information about you.
Smart man.

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