Stolen Sperm

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Carol Hyde
Anastasia was too trusting and believed all the lies she was told. I drugged her and it only took one time to get the spermicide inside her. I knew what Jack would do to her when he found out she was pregnant, since he was waiting until our ceremony. I don't want to share him after blackmailing him into marrying me after he and I killed Josie Grey. The savagery of his raping her and brutally killing her and her boys was just what I needed to keep him in line. I recorded everything. They found it and now I am going to serve as much time as he will. Mrs Walker's murder was added to the list as well. I don't know who is sicker me or Jack. I head to the shower and I hear a loud noise and turn to see a wet mop coming at my face.
Angie Dent
I was given orders to silence Carol Hyde permanently and personally. Jack Hyde has connections and I have children he has sent photos of via a visitor. I choke Carol with the wet strings of the filthy mop head. It took ten minutes and I leave the mop by the kitchen as I go finish washing the dishes I have left. I speed through them so I am back on time for cell checks. I don't know who the guy was but he looked frightened and they must have threatened him and his loved ones as well.
Carol Hyde was murdered in prison after giving up her only ace in the hole against Jack Hyde. She apparently was ready for this because two days after her death was announced on tv I got a dvd, USB and a portable hard drive from her. I placed it back in the envelope and I spoke to the prosecuting attorney about the trials against Jack Hyde. He acted like he had no idea about her evidence against Jack Hyde. I kept thinking this guy told me they had the goods against Jack Hyde now this guy has no idea what I am talking about. I call and get the FBI on the phone, because I know something is rotten in Denmark. Or Seattle in this case. Dan Moore the prosecutor had evidence and showed it to us. But now he has no idea what I am talking about. I am closed up in my home office and a knock at the door invades my concentration. I tell whoever it to give me a moment and lock everything up in my hidden drawer in my safe. Then shut the book case up along with the safe door. I see the district attorney standing there waiting for me. I come out of my office and lock both locks and ask him why he has visited me tonight?
District Attorney Richard Lincoln
There is no doubt mr Grey knows exactly what I am here for, I can see it in his eyes. He has what Carol made sure would get to all Jack and her victims families would get, because she was so sure Jack would see to her demise so she couldn't testify against him. I can't allow Carrick to keep it.
Dear two FBI agents are being confirmed as agents and security will let them through soon. Christian has arrived and so has Andrew Walker. Miss Steele and her father will be arriving as well.
FBI and witnesses and victims? What are you up to mr Grey?
Getting rid of corrupt scum in the district attorney's office and the prosecutors office. Do you want to confess now? We have evidence that you sent Jack and Carol Hyde out to murder Josie and her babies, because you were turned down by her. Yes we even know about the fact you cornered her at a charity event and tried to rape her. You got to her before she could call the cops on you. I kept wondering why leads never panned out and I found out that you were behind the leads never panning out. Carol came clean about everything. She might have been seen and not heard, but she paid attention to everything and recorded it all.
FBI agent Fred Summers
We got the information mr Grey thanks for getting it to us. We arrested the others including the murderer and the CI that visited the prison to get the hit ordered. We have someone protecting her family right now.
I walk in and punch the DA in the eye that is for my daughter. I hit him again and this is for Josie. I then punch him 8n his beer belly and say this is for mrs Walker. He goes down and kick him in his stomach five times once for each baby I know about.
I want to press charges against him.
Press charges for what? You fell and hurt yourself just like Anastasia was threatened to say when your cousin was beating her. Anyone see him getting beat up?
Not at all. I call the security team to delete where Lincoln injured himself.
FBI agent Price Lewis
Hi Andrew it has been a long time since we saw each other. I guess I should have kept in touch. Sorry about your mother. I heard the recordings. Elena has been arrested as well. She set mrs Grey up for them to be able to get near her so they could kill her and your twins. Sorry we had no idea how far the corruption went to hide the Hyde's involvement and the Lincoln's. You were the next targets.
So Lincoln was behind all of the Hyde's actions and protected them. How did he find out about Carol sending evidence of everything out anyway?
We leaked it hoping Lincoln would make his move and he did. Starting with Carrick thinking he could use his office to order him to give him all the evidence. The huge problem is that it wasn't an attorney that sent the evidence out. Mrs Hyde sent a big package to GEH to Barney Miller and after checking everything out he sent evidence packets out to everyone listed in the boxes. So there could never again be a cover up about their crimes and who used them to commit them. We have everyone in custody now.

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