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Blowing a deep breath Elijah then look around her cave completely ignoring the three male sitting in front of her who is currently watching her.

Their stares are totally freaking her out, but Elijah somehow manage to looked calm under their gaze.

Looking around Elijah's attention soon stuck on her clothes, her clean dry clothes hanging on the side of the cave. And seeing how clean her clothes is she can only cursed herself. So the males infront of her did not only clean her, they also washed her clothes.

She doesn't even know how to feel anymore. She wake up without the disgusting smell of the blood around her body, her clothes are also clean. She should be thankful and happy but Elijah can't find herself doing that.

Those male just invade her personal space and privacy.

She want to shout at them, punch them or even kick them but Elijah just found herself thanking them.

"Thank you." A words she can't believe just come out from her mouth. She's now showing her thanks to a unknown males who invade her privacy. Wow!

And she even casually talked to them while being naked. Another wow and another applause.

Leo who saw the female shivered just silently moved to get the female clothes. As much he– they like to see her being naked her health is their main priority. And Elijah who finally have her clothes back just quietly thank the male.

Glancing at them Elijah just again cursed. Privacy!

Sighing in defeat Elijah then stand proudly in front of them before dressing herself as fast as she can, but since her hands are trembling so much her movements are slow. Fuck shame.

They already saw her body so dressing infront of them was not crime.

Meanwhile the three beastman who saw her tiny body again just gulped. The female body was full on display again and seeing her soft pale skin only spark their desire more.

They want to mark those pale skin of her, they want to kiss, lick and devoured her whole but they cant knowing that the female body can't take them and they scared her. Her body was little and thin compared to them.

Finally Elijah who was no longer naked just sat next to them. Answering every question of them. Elijah didn't know what exactly happened but all she knew, she's getting interrogate by the unknown males.

From asking her name, to her age, everything about her. Elijah just honestly answered them. The male infront of her even asked her which clan she belong which she honestly answered she didn't know that for some reason they accept without batting an eye.

And Elijah who was getting filled in information just nod. Dazed. Hearing what kind of world she is.

A beast world.

A world where female was higher than anyone.

A world where sharing a female is normal.

A world that completely different from her world. Closing her eyes Elijah just sighed. How can a mere human like her live in this world specially a female like her. After hearing everything Elijah suddenly feel like killing herself.

She might didn't die because of her stupidity but she's going to die here. And there's no way she's going to let herself have a multiple husband.

Though glancing at the trio Elijah wouldn't mind.

Pinching herself Elijah just cursed herself.

"Come with us". Zion asked. "We're going to protect and provide for you."

Elijah might didn't like his word of choosing but she can only nod. She might have the ability to protect and provide for herself but she know that she can't do it in this world for that long. She can't protect herself so having them by her side is a winwin situation. By her ability to hunt and fight she can also help them.

And that's how Elijah found herself traveling along with the three beautiful beastman.

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