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Beast! Horny beast!

Looking at the Leopard beastman who is innocently smiling at her like he didn't do something unacceptable Elijah just growled. He may deceive the other by how innocent he looked but Elijah wasn't stupid to see the horn sticking in his forehead and a fork tail waggling mischievously behind him.

Those trio are starting to get to her nerves because of how clingy and intimate they are. They keep invading her privacy, and everytime they have a chance they will touch her. Good thing those beastman still respect her. Like if she said no, then it's a no. And they weren't the type of male who will force themselves on her.

Unlike in her previous world. She somehow envy the female here for having an understanding, caring and loyal male. Though she pity the male since the male in this world are just a provider for some female.

And knowing Zion, Ryan and Leo past she can't help but to shower them in affection that she believe that they deserve.

Elijah doesn't actually care of how touchy they can be since she thought that maybe they're just looking for some warmth. Plus a modern girl like her who like muscle and scars she doesn't actually mind being close to them or even being riled by those hot gorgeous beastman but this is different.

She may think like a horny dog who's in heat 24/7 but she can't actually imagine doing it in real. A coward that how she like to describe herself. I mean she just saw how big they are and there's no way in hell that those friends of them can fit in a small hole.

"Y-you! L-let go!" She hissed pushing the male but seeing how tiny she is compared to him her actions was just a useless. And Leo who's enjoying the squirming female in his arms just smile. She look so cute in his arm's.

Meanwhile Zion and Ryan who was now walking towards the cave just looked at each other hearing their female voice. Just hearing how the soft voice of their female raise they can only shrugged their shoulders. Leo look's like having fun teasing the female again which is they also like to do.

But unlike Leo who like to tease the female everytime he have a chance, Zion is different. Zion type of teasing is more on sexual jokes while Ryan he like teasing her about her scar kink.

"We're back~" Ryan said throwing the dead body of the boar and deer they both hunt. Behind him was Zion who was holding some fruit and blankets.

And Elijah who heard Ryan voice quickly run towards the male behind him is Zion who teasingly wink at her. Opening her arms to embrace them Elijah's feet unconsciously stop as she look at them. They reek of blood.

Their handsome face was covered in blood along side with their body and the tiny clothes hanging on Zion and Ryan waist is also covered in blood.

Both of them look like they rolled in dirt and blood.

Pinching her nose Elijah quickly run back to Leo hiding her small body behind him. Forgetting the fact that she's running away from him. But well Elijah will rather choose Leo than those two who reek of blood.

"Stink!" She angrily hissed at the two who only laugh at her. They knew how she hate the smell of blood but for some reason they find her reaction amusing so everytime they hunt they'll always make sure to cover themselves in blood.

And seeing her reaction they can only grin in victory.

"Aren't you going to hug us?" Zion asked putting both his hand on his hip. While Ryan just crossed his arm infront of his chest while looking at the female who look's constipated.

"I guess she doesn't like us." Ryan said acting hurt. "I mean she doesn't even smile at us after risking our lives to hunt."

"Right?" Zion said agreeing on Ryan. "We risked our lives just to get some fruit and meat but look at her hiding behind Leo. I'm hurt." Zion mumbled while tearing up a little.

And Elijah who already knew what they're trying to do roll her eyes. If they think that she will believe those poor acting of them then they are wrong. Plus it wasn't the first that they guilt trap her for not hugging them.


"Then cry!" She nonchalantly said hugging Leo waist.

"Evil!" Both Zion and Ryan whispered seeing how she didn't even try to console them.

"What?" She asked glaring at the two. Seeing her glare Zion and Ryan quickly shake their head while saying nothing. They may look bigger and stronger than her but the female infront of them is way more scary than any of beast.

"Good." She smile before shooing them. "Now scram. And clean yourselves if you want to eat and of course a lot of hugs from the great me." Hearing that Ryan and Zion quickly run to river to clean themselves, ignoring her boastful remark about herself.

They after all want to eat the food she made and of course her hugs.

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