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Puffing her cheeks she just casually look at them with a accusing eyes. She's pissed. Angry because of the outcome of visiting the City of Beast. Thinking that maybe if she didn't throw a tantrum that day.

Maybe if she just choose to rest and spend her time alone in their cave she's happily enjoying walking around but look at her, because of her tantrum she can't even sit without crying because of her back and her little buddy.

Her body was in pain. She can't even move without hissing. And even a little movement can hurt her. That's how rough those male towards her.

She badly want to curse and slapped them but she can't. Because if it wasn't for her weak resistance she can prevent those hungry beastman of her from touching her. But she's weak.

She's fucking weak. Weak in comes to temptation. Those biceps, muscles, and fucking god like face is her weakness specially their scars that she love to trace using her fingers and maybe even her tounge. If she have a chance.

And plus she's a cock hungry when it comes to them.

And yeah Elijah might not like being in pain because of them but she's happy. Happy to have those males.

But being happy will not erase her pain. Shaking her head in disappointment as she look around the house they staying temporarily she can only sighed.

Remembering how she throw a tantrum and how she put her dignity on the line just to see the City of Beast, but instead of happily roaming around here she is, staying at in while being disappointment at herself.

She may have a ton of ideas to look around the City, like sneaking at night, disguising herself and more but she can't. Because she know that her legs will give out.

She can't even walk properly without limping what's more to walk alone.

Rolling her eyes again, she accident met a familiar eyes who's looking at her with a full of mischief. It's Zion who's flexing his body to her while showing his tounge.

Clearly mocking her.

And how she love to kick the stupid god like male. "Stupid." She murmured but a smile slowly crept on her lips.

Well two can play a game. Ignoring her aching body, Elijah simply use her tounge to do a movement that she know that he's familiar while moving her hand close to her mouth.

And Zion who didn't expect her action stiffen before chuckling to himself. "Tease."

They really thought her right. More like his and Leo personality are starting to rub on her.

And thanks to Ryan who have the half of braincell of the group, their female will still remain innocent. Not actually.

Meanwhile Ryan who saw the whole scene laugh his ass off because of stupid reaction of Zion. He can't help but to think of how stupid his friend is. Elijah doing that thing wasn't shocking specially if you have Zion and Leo by your side.

Those two will corrupt your innocence.

Returning his gaze back to their sulking little female Ryan just sighed before sitting next to her. Knowing how she love to quickly roam around the city, Ryan can only do is to comfort her unlike the two who will most likely to tease her.

"It's fine maybe tomorrow we can look around the City but for now you need to rest." He whispered while kissing her forehead but Elijah just rolled her eyes like a spoiled brat.

"Tomorrow really?" She whispered with full of sarcasm. "You guy's keep saying that!" She hissed.

"Well not our fault." A voice suddenly said coming from the door, it's Leo who's holding a pair of fabric. To make a new clothes for her.

"Then who's fault mine?!" Elijah sarcastically said before turning her head away.

"Yes." The three answer without hesitation making her blood boil in anger.

And seeing the female are slowly losing her temper Ryan quickly correct his words. Not like that. But kinda.

Elijah who fully understand what her first mate are trying to say she unconsciously punched the male who groaned in pain while massaging his chest that she punched.

And somehow seeing Ryan being in pain she suddenly felt guilt but she quickly shake her head. She's mad, and worrying about him will only make her forget her anger so no.

"My fault really? More like your fault. If the three of you didn't go hard on me, I'm happy roaming around the City at this time but no! You guys decide to go hard."

Blinking her eyes in confusion Elijah just looked at them. The fuckers are smiling like some sort of poor who won a lottery ticket.

"Smiling really? I'm fucking mad!" She cursed but the three just continue to smile.

"But you like though." Leo innocently said while smiling, making Zion and even Ryan nod.

"Yeah I kinda remember you begging for more. Right?" Ryan asked to Zion. And Elijah who was dumbfounded because of them gasped while opening and closing her mouth. Trying to find word to retort.

"Yep." Zion said. "I guess we're sorry for following your orders." He added. And Elijah who's tired of their shit just maniacally cursed at the trio like a professional curser.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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