12:35 [fluff]

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WARNINGS: none, mostly fluff

„Y/n what are you doing, it's..." Henry took a look at his screen just to be blinded by it's brightness as compared to his dark bedroom. He was surprised to see her name on his display since the two had barely gotten to see each other in over 10 months.
„12:35 am." He waited for the young woman's reply but could only hear a sniffling sound. „Hey are you okay?" he sat up in the darkness and turned to his right to turn the lamp on that was sitting on his bedside table.
„He... broke up..." she choked up as Henry felt himself wake up more and more every second.
„Right now??" he sounded more mad than intended.
„Yes. He was with his friend... and he didn't come over. I caught him with... Emma. In the car."
Henry swung his legs out of bed. Through the phone he could not only hear her sniffling and crying but also car sounds. „Where are you?" he firmly spoke as he stood up to put a pair of sweatpants on.
„Outside my apartment. The bus stop."
-„Stay where you are." was all Henry managed to say before he'd already grabbed his car keys and made his way out of the apartment, to the garage to get his car.

Meanwhile, the girl continued crying on the park bench in a fairly cold night, only wearing sweatpants and a little halter top. She was freezing inside and out but didn't seem to be bothered since her emotions were taking control over her.
She didn't know why she couldn't go back inside, something was stopping her. Her now ex-boyfriend was not even close to her at this very moment but he spent so much time at her apartment, she couldn't face the memories right now.

Just as she was thinking about all the things she'd seen that night; her boyfriend in the car parked in front of his own apartment with the girl he told her not to worry about; a familiar car rolled up and stopped right in front of her. In the middle of the street.
The door opened and Henry got out, immediately walking up to her. „Y/n it's freezing!" he grabbed her cold arms and pulled her on her feet. „Come on." He helped her get inside his car on the passenger seat and put the seatbelt on her.
He then turned up the heat to warm her up and turned his face towards her. Thick tears were running down her soft face and the strap of her top had slipped down her shoulder.
He adjusted it and eventually ran his thumb over her wet face to wipe away some tears. „You okay?"
Henry asked, despite knowing the answer.
She shook her head. Then she looked into his eyes for a brief second before he turned on the engine and spoke:"We need to get you warmed up."

He knew she wasn't much of a talker when it came to her feelings, especially not to him since she had had a boyfriend for such conversations. But he'd also known her before she'd met him. She wasn't a talker then either. She'd appreciate good music and a comfortable drive for hours.
So he turned on the radio, put it a little louder than usual and made his way back to his apartment.
The girl leaned her head against the cold window and watched the lights pass by.
She closed her eyes and tried not to cry any more. She knew she wasn't going to be able to talk about it tonight but it meant the world to her that at least someone cared enough to come for her.
Henry had always been a loyal and good friend to her. But when she'd met Matt, they lost each other. Met here and there once or twice but it hadn't been like it was before.

„Thank you." she spoke suddenly, yet not turning to face him. Henry didn't answer but she knew what he would have said. „Anytime". Thats what he'd say when she thanked him for basically anything.

It didn't take long until she recognized the building and the car came to a stop in the garage.
She got out of the car first. She wanted to lay down with a warm blanket. Maybe sleep first and worry tomorrow.
The two made their way up to the thirteenth floor to his apartment. After unlocking the door, she knew where to put her shoes. Despite the fact that she hadn't been there in 11 months, not much had changed. The painting she did for him was still up there on the wall above the record player. She smiled to herself and wandered the apartment while Henry hurried to his bedroom to grab some clothes for the girls cold body.
„Here." he spoke and handed her a sweatshirt far too big for her body. But without hesitation she slipped it over her head and grabbed onto her own upper body to warm up.

Henry walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of juice for her.
She loved apple juice, ever since they'd met a few years ago, he'd always had some at home for her.
Even after they lost touch, he still kept apple juice in his apartment.
„Y/n." he softly spoke and handed it to her. She took it, smiling and plopped herself down onto the big sofa. Grabbing a blanket, she wrapped it around her and continued staring out the window down to the city.
Henry sat beside her and tried to read her. She was focused on the lights while she seemed to be struggling to open the bottle. So he took it out of her hands, opened it with ease and handed it back to her. Then she laughed.
He hadn't heard that laugh in so long.
„Thanks." she said as he smiled at her. „Didn't get stronger I see?" Henry joked.
„Not really." Y/n took a sip of the sweet juice and handed the bottle to him.
He didn't hesitate, took it and drank out of the same bottle.

„How have you been?" she suddenly asked him, sounding awake and genuinely curious. He looked at her tired eyes. „I've been good. Was out of town for a few months, filming."
She smiled. „Yeah I heard. Work still good?" Henry smiled back. „It's amazing. More fun than ever, but draining too you know."
Henry turned to his left to fully look at her.
„Im proud of you, you know. Haven't been able to say that in a while. But I am, you know."
He'd forgotten how sweet she was.
„You're doing great. You are great. I'm glad people get to see that now."
He wanted to give her a hug but he didn't know how appropriate it'd be, considering why she was there.
„Thats really sweet y/n, thank you."
She smiled yet again.

„Are you tired?" He shook his head. „Not anymore. Are you?"
She shrugged her shoulders. „Im not sure why I called you to be honest. I guess I felt guilty."
-„Guilty for what?" He asked.
„Not talking to you for so long. Matt didn't like us being friends and I guess I felt guilty for letting this slip so easily."
Henry scooted a tiny bit closer. „Don't. It was both of us. I didn't call either I suppose." -„Yeah i know but I'm sorry. The only reason I didn't call was him. But since he's none of my business anymore, I felt like I needed to tell you why i didn't call. And now I can do whatever I want and meet whoever I want without him freaking out about it."
Henry nodded. „Im glad you did. Are you warm?"
She smiled and nodded at him. „Thank you."
-„Anytime." There it was.

„If you want, you can sleep in my bed tonight, I'll take the couch." Henry offered but the girl was smarter than that. „We used to share the bed a lot before him. He's gone now. And your bed is big enough. And to be honest, I don't wanna sleep alone tonight."
He was taken back by that. He didn't expect that. But it was true, they used to sleep in the same bed for months before Matt entered her life. Not in a romantic or a sexual way. They simply talked or listened to music before she usually fell asleep before him. In fact, the two had never had any romantic contact. He wouldn't dare to initiate anything, he know that if she wanted to, she'd show him.
„Alright, if you don't mind."
-„No you know I don't."

She eventually got up to go to the bathroom before heading to bed. Henry went back to the bedroom to get comfortable and to wait for her to close the door.
She washed her face before going to the bedroom as well. Henry was laying in bed already, wearing a shirt. He had always slept shirtless before.
„You good?" he asked when she slipped under the covers and cuddled into the familiar soft sheets.
„Yes." she yawned and steadied her breath.
Turning towards him, she smiled and said:"I missed this." Henry smiled back at the girl and replied:"Me too."
-„You know, you're better at cuddling than he ever was." The both of them chuckled at her statement and Henry took that as an invitation to scoot closer.
She didn't seem to mind because she leaned her head against his shoulder instinctively.
The girl felt his breath on her face and for the first time in a long time, she didn't feel like cuddling was one sided. He caressed her arm like the only times when he tried to calm her down or to help her fall asleep. His upper body was much stronger and much bigger than Matt's. She felt comforted and if she were honest, better in his arms. Like he meant it.

„I really missed this." she whispered as he leaned his head against her own.
„Mhmm" He hummed in response. „Henry?" she didn't mean to speak again but she did it anyways.
„Hm?" he asked sleepily. The girl turned her body towards him once again and placed a soft kiss on his left cheek. „Thanks." He smiled at her. She'd never done that before.
She lied back down and cuddled herself into his side, while his hand was still caressing her arm and hand.
She eventually grabbed his big hand and held it tight. He intertwined their fingers and smiled into her hair. He'd wanted this for too long and perhaps, after she'd healed, he might actually have a chance with the girl he'd loved for years.

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