my boyfriend is superman?! [fluff]

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WARNINGS: fluff, mentions of sex, mentions of daddy kink

You fumbled with your key, failing at each attempt. The door seemed impossible to open and out of reflex you started to giggle in the hallway, eventually letting your arm drop to the side of your body. Just when you were about to give up, you heard noised from the other side of the door, until it was finally being opened and a sleepy Henry stood in front of you in only boxers.
„Y/n what are you doing?" his raspy tired voice asked but you only stood there, staring at his abs. Giggling like a little girl, you spoke:"Abs."
Henry sent you a confused look and replied, rubbing his eyes. „Are you drunk?"

You shoved against him, entering the apartment in a clumsy way. „Nooo!" you exclaimed laughing. „I just had like one... two drinks."
Henry locked the door behind you as you tried to get your shoes off your feet. „Sweetheart why didn't you call, how did you get here?"
You didn't know how to reply, the alcohol fogging up your brain.
Henry knew what to do and hugged you from behind, placing butterfly kisses on your neck.
„Wait!" you shouted, moving away from him.
„What?" he asked in confusion.
„Are you like.." you leaned closer and whispered:"My boyfriend?"
Henry chuckled at your question. Pulling you close by your waist, he looked down at your drunk self and spoke:"Yes babe I'm your boyfriend."
His soft kiss on your whisky stained lips left you in shock.
„I have a BOYFRIEND? You??"
Henry laughed again. „Yes baby. Me. Only me, remember that, even when you're drunk."
He kissed your forehead and went to walk to the kitchen.
You simply stood there in shock about what you'd just learned. You were dating superman??
Henry shortly after returned with a glass of water, handing it to you while you were standing in his living room with your mouth agape.
„Babe. Close your mouth." he laughed.

„How did that happen??" you shouted at him.
„How did what happen?" Henry looked at you in confusion. „How did we happen? How come you're my boyfriend? What about Lois?"
Henrys expression turned even more confused.
„Who the fuck is Lois?" -„LOIS LANE."
Henry immediately started laughing loudly. „Babe I'm not Superman in real life, god whats up with you? Come to bed darling."

„Oh my god." you spotted something fuzzy and big in the corner, stumbling towards it.
You ignored Henry and walked towards the hairy ball.
„Whats that?" you asked as you ran your hand through the soft fur. „Y/n. Thats Kal. My dog?"
Henry seemed to be losing it with you.
„Puppy!" you screamed loudly, waking the huge dog up as he looked at you with big eyes.
Kal immediately recognized you, jumping up and starting to sniffle your entire body. He seemed to be smelling the alcohol as the big bear looked at you with his head tilted. „Baby. Come on. You need to sleep."
You only replied by booping the pup's nose.
Henrys hand touched your shoulder as you rolled around the floor with the dog.

„Okay. Fine." you pouted and let Henry help you get up.
You held onto him as he pulled you up onto your own feet.
„You're really mine?" you needed to know. „Yes babe, all yours. Come on." You instinctively put your flat hand on his chest, staring at his muscular upper body.
„Wait did we... did we like do it?" you leaned closer to his face, waiting for an answer.
„Do what? Have sex? Yes y/n we've had plenty of sex. All the time really. And really nasty too."
You stared at him with your mouth open again.
„Sex? I had sex with you?"
You started to giggle again. „Baby come to bed please, it's 3:32 am. And yes, sex. I'll have sex with you tomorrow if you come to bed now."

Without waiting for an answer, he lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom.
„Can the dog come too?" you asked him while he basically threw you onto the bed. „Kal's sleeping in the kitchen darling. Tomorrow."
Henry sounded a little bit annoyed but tried his best to not show it to you.
„Can I sleep in the kitchen with him?"

You pouted at Henry. Meanwhile he pulled your pants off of you and eventually removed your tight top.
„Comfy now?"
You nodded. „Good." Henry lied down next to you and pulled you close.
„You're my boyfriend." yet again, you giggled right into his ear.
„Yes babe." he sounded like he was about to drift off.
„You have pretty hair." You started to play with his soft curls as he had his eyes closed and tried to sleep in peace.
„They're bouncy." you laughed, pulling at a strand and letting it go again.
„Boop." you exclaimed, placing your index finger on his nose. Henry rolled his eyes at you.

„You're so hot how did we happen?"
-„Sleep." he shushed you.
„You're really hot."
„Tomorrow we're having sex." The fact made you smile brightly while the alcohol was still fogging up your mind.
„Sex." giggly noises once again left your lips.

Suddenly, Henry put his flat hand on your mouth and turned to you.
„Baby please go to sleep. I'll fuck you real good tomorrow if you shut up now."
With glossy eyes you looked up at him.
„Okay daddy."
That nickname you remember, of course.
-„Nighty night bear." you whispered into his cheek.
„I love you." he whispered back.

You still couldn't believe that he was your boyfriend.
Laughing you spoke for the last time:"My boyfriend is superman."
-„Yes babe your boyfriend is superman." Henry rolled his eyes again and closed his eyes.

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