he is perfect [fluff]

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In honor of me not being able to fall asleep - here is how i wish my situation was right now. Enjoy.

2:23am. Thats the time right now. And im
standing awkwardly in front of his door, thinking about whether i should knock, ring the doorbell or grab the spare key he's got hidden between some rocks by the door.
He was probably sleeping, like any sane person at 2:30 in the morning. Unlike me- I'd been tossing and turning for hours in my own bed. All alone and cold.
So i decided to come here, Henry wouldn't mind having me stay over. Usually i called him or texted him if i couldn't sleep but i couldn't wait, so i drove straight to his house.
If i rang the doorbell tho, at 2:30, Kal would bark and wake him - possible give him a heart attack.
I check the time again, 2:25am. Fuck it, theres no turning back now.
I kneel down to look for the key and quietly open Henrys front door.
Everything is quiet, the house is dark.
No sign of anyone awake, Kal's probably sleeping in the office as usual and Henry will be laying on his stomach in his underwear, head buried in his pillow.
Quietly i close the door again and carefully peel my jacket off me to neatly place it on the stairs.
After taking my shoes off, i tippy toe upstairs.

Absolute silence still. Quietly i open the door to Henrys bedroom. Darkness. No noise coming from inside the room.
„Henry?" i whisper into the dark room.
Then i hear a rustling noise. „Hen?" i say a little louder, still softly.
I stand by the door, waiting for a response.
Then suddenly the bedside table lamp lights up and a very sleepy Henry looks up at me.
„Y/n?" He rubs his eyes and sits up.
„What are you doing here?" His voice is groggy and raspy. „Im sorry... i know i shouldve called but i can't sleep. The nightmares..." i still awkwardly stand by the door.
He only nods and rubs his eyes again.
„Come here."

I close the door, step towards the bed and look at him. He was in fact only wearing underwear.
He pulls away the covers to indicate me to slide underneath.
I follow his silent command and cuddle up under the covers.
He extends his arm and i thankfully scoot over to him, cuddling into his side.
„You scared me there darling." he nuzzles into my hair.
„I'm sorry..." i whisper back, holding onto him tightly.
He softly rubs my arm and i drape my leg over his thigh.
„I tried sleeping but i couldn't. My bed was cold and i felt lonely.... Anxiety."
He shushed me. „It's okay. You can always come here, but please call next time, you really freaked me out for a second.
I look up at him, the dim light of his bedside lamp illuminating a part of his face.
His beard was more prominent due to his spare time at home in which he probably didn't feel the need to shave every day. His curls were slightly messy but he still looked good.
„I understand it you know? About the cold bed. I hate sleeping alone. Been alone for a while too."
Henry takes a deep breath, still softly rubbing my side.

I don't say anything, i only look at him and think of a response.
But i can't think of a good one, so i nuzzle my face against his chest and embrace the warmth of his skin against mine.
His hair is slightly tickling my cheek but i don't mind it, i feel too comfortable laying on his firm chest.
He then reaches over to turn off the lamp and suddenly the room is dark again and all i can hear is the rustling of the bedsheets as Henry gets comfortable next to me.
He turns to his side to be facing me and pulls me close, wrapping both his arms around me.
I feel safe.
His even breathing against my forehead calms me and his facial hair slightly tickling against my skin reminds me that he is in fact there. That im not alone.
„Thank you." i then say.
-„For what?" he whispers back.
„For being there. For me." I say back, grabbing onto him tighter.
I can feel him smiling against my forehead.
„Anytime sweetheart."

I scoot even closer to him, wrapping my leg tighter around his waist. Henry is carefully rubbing circles on my back as he speaks up again:"You don't even know how much i needed this as well."
I smile. Then i move my hands from around his waist up to his head and start caressing the back of his neck.
I can feel him relax more and he lets out a satisfied hum. Making me smile again.

I softly play with his curls and rub circles on his skin.
The longer we lay there in silence, the more my eyes adjust to the darkness and i can finally see the outline of his face in front of me.
He was perfect.
Too fucking bad.

„Henry?" i whisper softly. He only hums in response. „Ur the best." I can see a smile form on his lips while his eyes are still closed.
„Never thought I'd find someone to make me feel as safe as you do." I continue.
He rubs my thigh comforting and i add:"I feel happier when im with you."
The next thing I know is the warm feeling of his lips on my forehead. His one hand on the back of my head, the other still resting on my thigh.
I smile and embrace the love before he carefully pulls away and places another kiss on my cheek.
„You make me happy too darling." he whispers.
Smiling, I cuddle up closer to him and close my eyes.

For the first time in months I feel genuinely happy, content with myself. Relaxed and most importantly safe. I feel loved again and all i can think about is how fucking perfect he is.
He is perfect.
Too fucking bad I can't tell him that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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