fuck yeah [fluff]

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„Hey are we still waiting or are you ready to order?" The young waitress asked me for the third time in about an hour. I looked up at her and cleared my throat. „Yeah no... I'll just. Pay for the wine." I point at the still half full bottle of red wine I'd preordered for my date that was supposed to show up an hour ago.
She sent me a pityful look and spoke:"I'll be right back with your bill."
I forced myself to a smile and put my head in my hands.
He really stood me up. After all of the texting for weeks and the hour long phone calls...

I took a deep breath to prevent myself from starting to cry. Then i decided to just get my shit together and i sat up straight, took another few sips of my wine and eventually shot the rest of it down.

As the waitress came back with the bill, i simply handed her a bill far more than the actual bill and said „keep the change".
She smiled softly and carefully laid her hand on my shoulder. „I'm sorry girl, you really don't deserve this. You look amazing."
I smiled at her sweet comment and nodded back at her.
„Have a good night." I spoke as I grabbed my purse and stood up.
She smiled back and replied:"He's a dick."
I only nodded before I walked out of the restaurant.
Ashamed, sad, angry, drunk.

It was only about 8:30 now but due to the time of year, it was pitch black out and it was freezing.
My long coat was trying to keep me warm.

I continued walking for only a few steps before I heard a male voice yell behind me. I ignored it until i felt it coming closer until someone carefully touched my shoulder.
„Ugh what?" I turned around, screaming at the person. I was simply fed up by the world that second.
„Whoa sorry!"
He was handsome. Far too handsome. Tall, bright blue eyes, dark hair (i could tell from his dark beard and the few curls that were showing underneath his beanie).

„I'm sorry but you dropped this."
He held out a card.
My card.
My credit card.
„It must have fallen out of your wallet when you paid inside." He pointed at the restaurant behind us.
„Sorry, i wasn't watching you. I just saw how upset you looked and you did in fact drop this."
I smiled softly and took back my credit card. His British accent was charming.
„Thank you." I tried to sound nice after all that just happened to me that night.
He smiled at me before extending his hand to me. „I'm Henry."
I hesitated to shake his hand at first but eventually grabbed it.
He smiled again. „I don't know what happened to you but if it cheers you up, my night was absolute shit too."
I couldn't help but chuckle. „Does help a little." I admitted, grinning.
„Good" he smiled. „You okay though?" He seemed to genuinely care.

I took a deep breath and looked around for a second. „Honestly? No. Got fucking stood up by a guy who I thought was genuine. But noo men fucking suck!"
He could hear my frustration.
„Im really sorry... You clearly don't deserve that. Fuck him, he must be super insecure."
Henry spoke and smiled a little bit.
„Your turn now. Why was your night shit?"
I asked curiously.
He laughed shortly.
„Got cheated on, found her in our bed in MY house with a guy I'd never seen in my life."

My jaw dropped. „Holy shit." He nodded.
„Now my night seems like a joke. Im so sorry that happened to you! In YOUR house though?"
He nodded again and then let out a chuckle.
„So yeah my plan for tonight was to get wasted and probably fall asleep on the pavement."
I laughed with him.
„Probably a bit cold in December."
He laughed loudly. His teeth and his smile were gorgeous.

We stood in silence for a few seconds before I spoke up:"Fuck it. Im drunk already. Henry? Do you wanna get drunk and hook up? I know this is super straight forward and I swear to god I've never done this in my entire life but I'm fucking upset and you're feeling just as miserable and i think ur hot and i don't even care if this story was fake or not to pick up women or to get their sympathy but it worked okay? I'm hooked because I think you're hot and we both could need it."
I stopped for a second because I saw the shocked expression on his face.
„If not, please forget it ever said that, forget about meeting me and I'll walk away and we'll pretend we've never talked and i'll go home and go to bed, you can go to some scrawny bar and get drunk and fall asleep on the sidewalk even though it's fucking freezing and you might die but thats on you and not my problem because i don't know you and i'll never see you again, especially if you're dead then, then i won't see you anymore anyways..."
I finally stopped talking after realizing how ridiculous I'd just sounded.
He simply stared at me.
„I'm sorry I-."

He interrupted me. „Y/n?"
He looked me dead in the eye.
„Yes. Fuck yes."

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