snowed in [fluff]

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heyho lovelies❤️
Due to the huge snow storm currently happening in Germany, i was inspired to write this... enjoy!

WARNINGS: practically none: henry being a cutiepie; slight sexual innuendos

Henrys POV:
„Yeah for sure." I laughed at my friends joke as we currently took down a Dragonkin in our todays session of World of Warcraft.
Due to the snow its all I could do. And its all I've been doing for nearly 5 days. The snow was seriously an issue for all of us, I'd gone outside twice today to shovel the snow away from my front door.
The only time i've left the house was yesterday to stock up on groceries and get some treats for Kal whom was currently laying by my feet, warming up my cold toes with his furry radiant self.
I was just glad I'd been able to get the heater working properly.
„Go round! I'll stay here." I instructed and made my best effort to shoot my arrows at the creature.

Just as we'd taken it down and cheerfully laughed at our magnificent performance, I felt Kal's head shoot up and he seemed to be listening to something.
„What is it buddy?" I asked softly, looking down at him. „What no. It's just Kal." I explained to my friend who'd asked what i meant.
Then i heard a soft knock.
Kal immediately got up and ran towards the door.
„Someone seems to be at the door?" I spoke into my headset to tell my friend - it came out more as a question than a statement.
„Brb." i said before I took the headphones off and made my way to the door myself.
Who in their right mind would leave their house in this weather?

I unlocked the door as Kal jumped around my feet, excitedly waiting to see someone else's face in a good week.
Just as the door was opened enough to reveal the insane person who dared to go outside in that storm, Kal started barking loudly and jumping at the intruder - clearly happy.
„Y/n!" I exclaimed and looked at the long coat wearing girl whose hair was covered in little snowflakes and her rosy cheeks drew a contrast to her pale face.
„Hi." was all she said before I rushed her inside.
„What are you doing? Are you...? Did you drive here?"
She nodded softly as she pulled the scarf off her neck and took off her snow covered coat - revealing the puppy she'd held underneath. Bear.
„You brought Bear?" I asked, greeting the pup by softly scratching his head.
She nodded and put him down so he could play with Kal a little bit.

Kal was beyong thrilled, having a little doggo companion for now as I grabbed her wet clothes from her hands and placed them on the heater in the hall.
„Why are you here in this weather?" I asked again, watching her take off her shoes.
„Didn't you watch the news?" She replied, standing back up and looking at me.
Her hair was loosely tied in a low ponytail and her nose was red from the cold.
I had to admit - i hadn't. I'd been too busy playing WoW.
„They're closing the streets at 6. No one's allowed on the road for as long as it's snowing. And according to the weather guy, it won't stop for another week. We're all supposed to stay home and practically quarantine again. And i.. didn't wanna be alone."

She seemed to be struggling admitting to that.
„Come in first." I gestured for her to step into the living room with me.
„Do you want a tea or a coffee or something to heat up?" I asked watching her body shiver underneath her black sweatshirt.
„Yes that'd be nice. It's so effing cold. Didn't think it'd be THAT cold..."

We walked over to the kitchen and she sat down on one of my kitchen chairs while I got the coffee machine running. I knew she didn't like tea.
„So you've come here to quarantine with me?" I asked, slightly amused at the thought.
„Well... you know how Bear and Kal love each other. And again - i didn't wanna be alone the entire time."
-„So you risked your life by driving here?" I looked at her all serious. She put her hands up in defense. „I promise I drove very slowly! I just didn't know where else to go and we haven't hung out in a bit because you were away."
I understood.

I made her coffee in silence and eventually handed her the mug.
„It's getting dark so early..." She suddenly spoke up, taking a sip.
„Yeah it's nearly 4 and it looks like it's midnight already." I replied, looking outside, watching the snow.
We then moved over to the couch and i handed her a blanket to cover herself with.
„I don't like the idea of you driving in this weather but you seemed to make it in one piece. But don't you dare do that again, couldve told me about ur plan. I wouldve rather picked u up than you driving all alone in that shit weather."

Y/n's POV:
He scooted closer as he said that but I could only focus on his new look.
The slightly longer facial hair and him finally growing out his curls - he looked different from the last time we'd seen each other.
„Sorry." was all i could say, knowing he was right.
We just looked at each other for a bit before he spoke up again.
„I'm sorry if I seemed rude before - i really didn't expect to see you. And again, i don't like you driving here in this weather. Something could have happened to you y/n...
What im trying to say... I'm happy to see you and of course you're always welcome to stay." He smiled softly, lifting the blanket to slide underneath it.
I smiled back of course. „I missed this. You. Talking to you."
He smiled even brighter and i could see his eyes light up at my comment.
„I missed you too darling. Come here. I didn't even properly greet you."
He opened his arms and I scooted closer, wrapping my arms around his neck. Laying my head on his shoulder, I enjoyed the comfort of his strong arms holding me. He smelled nice too.
„Hmm." Humming he pulled me closer. Our chests were pressed against each other and i swear he could feel my heart beating.

„God i missed you too." He spoke, low voice in my ear. Smiling I snuggles my face into the crook of his neck.
I couldn't tell how long we were like this or how it happened but at some point I was right on his lap and his thighs flexed under me.
He started caressing my back softly while I bathed in every second of his warm embrace.
„Hen?" I whispered then.
He carefully let go but i could feel that he really didn't want to.
We looked at each other for only a brief second before we instinctively smashed our lips together and his hands moved lower to hold me by my lower back.
His beard was slightly irritating my skin but i so didn't mind - i fucking loved everything about it.
Henry seemed to enjoy it just as much as me as I could feel him harden underneath me.
Pulling away, I looked down at his crotch and then up into his eyes.
„I'm sorry... You just do that to me."
I chuckled lightly before kissing him again.

„You're still freezing darling, how about a hot bath?" He smiled sweetly.
I nodded. „But only if you give me a Geralt-bathtub-scene-esque show."
He laughed out loud and wrapped his arms around me tightly before picking me up and standing up himself.
„I think I'd prefer a Geralt-Yennefer-Rinde-Scene Show." He lowly chuckled as he carried me upstairs to the bathroom.
„The what?" I genuinely had no idea what he was talking about.
Henry laughed again before he stopped by the bathroom door.
„Okay you clearly don't remember the show very well..."
I looked at him questioning.
„They fuck y/n. They simply fuck."

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