comfort [fluff]

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WARNINGS: pure fluff

You couldn't take it anymore. The past weeks had been killing you. Barely any social contact, no time for all the things you enjoyed, you'd practically been glued to your desk. Finals, your exams were on and you were mentally shitting yourself. Math especially. It was killing you, you had always been bad at it but especially now you didn't even understand the easiest tasks.
Henry had been trying to meet up with you for a week now but you'd barely had any time to reply. After you got home from college, you had a small lunch (and that not even every day) and immediately got to work on the math tasks.
And after studying, you went to bed at like 9pm since everything exhausted you too much to do anything else.

It was one of those days again. You got up at 2, ate strawberries for lunch that had already expired a few days ago but somehow tasted okay, then went to sit on your desk.
Your phone was sitting by your laptop on the desk beside you, but you were too focused on the task to even acknowledge it's constant dinging.
But then it got annoying.
„Fuck." you almost screamed and grabbed your phone. You wanted to turn it off and continue but one specific text of Henrys grabbed your attention.
„Front door. Now."
You got up and made your way through your little apartment to the door.
Looking like an absolute mess, you opened it and were faced by a huge basket.
„What?" you asked confused and looked up at Henry who just now showed his face from behind the monstrosity of a basket.
„I know you said not to bother you until your finals were over but I know you better than you do. You probably don't sleep enough or eat as a matter of fact. So I got you a little care package."
He handed you the big basket while you stood there, in shock from all this love he was gifting you.

„It's got everything you need right now. Chocolate, i put some fruits in there, you should refrigerate them; cookies i baked with Kal. And warm fuzzy socks because I know you love those. And a framed picture of Kal to look at while you try to keep it together with all the studying.
And I added a letter for a fun thing to do when all this is over. But don't open it before your exams are over and you finally got time for me."
You were simply speechless. Tears were fogging your eyesight and you blinked them away quickly.
„Henry." you smiled and stared at him in disbelief.
„Shush. Go back to studying, I'll make you some lunch. I promise I won't bother you. You come to me if you need anything!"
Without asking, he entered your apartment and went straight to the kitchen.
Then you closed the front door again and brought the basked with you back to your bedroom.
You quickly undid the bow and removed the plastic before digging in. Putting on the warm cute socks and munching on a cookie, you went back to work.

You could hear a sound or two coming from the kitchen every once in a while but it didn't bother you. It made you feel all warm, knowing you werent alone even though those times were so hard on you.
Henry knew. He knew how you felt and he took his time to bake cookies, come to your place and now make lunch for you. He knew, you hadn't eaten proper food in a while.
Smiling, you solved your math problems much quicker than usual, endlessly proud of yourself and your achievement.
After an eternity you finally turned off your iPad and slurred to the kitchen, seeing Henry stand by the stove working on something.
„Hey you." you smiled and made your way up to him.
He smiled back and opened his arms.
„Come here, it's been a while since i saw you."
You happily wrapped your arms around his waist and  cuddled into his broad chest.
„Hmm" you hummed content, he smelled good.
You felt save and secure. His arms held you ever so tightly, instinctively making you sleepy.
„I made vegan taquitos." He mumbled into your hair but you didn't dream of letting go of him.

„Thanks." was all you whispered back, digging your face in the soft fabric of his black shirt.
„Anytime." he kissed the top of your head and rubbed your back.
Your belly suddenly grumbled louder than ever and you let go of Henry, looking down at yourself.
„Alright you need to eat."
He went back to the stove and finished the filling for the taquitos while you sat down at the table and waited for him to join you.
Henry placed everything in front of you and sat down opposite of you.
„Please eat as much as you can."
He smiled and you smiled back.

You did as he said. You couldn't even stop eating; your body had really needed it. You suddenly felt so energetic and happy.
„Thank you so much." you thanked him and he only took another bite, smiling.

After lunch (which was practically dinner by now), you two cleaned the kitchen together. Henry washed the dishes and you dried them off with a towel.
„You okay?" he spoke as he saw your frown.
„Yeah. Im just a little scared that this has set me back. Like im so glad you came over and the break felt really nice but my exams are in 2 weeks and im not even halfway through with what i wanted to do."
Henry set the plate down and turned to you.
„Look at me." He lifted your chin so you were looking up into his eyes. Those blue orbits staring into your soul like there's no tomorrow.
He sent you a soft smile.
„You're okay. You deserve a break darling. Don't stress, you're gonna do amazing in your exams. But promise me, you'll take care of yourself and listen to your body if you need a break."
You only nodded at him. Henry smiled again and eventually leaned closer and finally gave you what you've been wanting for months now.
His lips moved softly against yours, sending shivers down your spine.
You couldn't help but smile into the kiss.
Henry pulled away and opened his eyes. Then he smiled as well and licked his lips.
„Now, bed."

You looked at him in confusion.
Then he realized how it mustve sounded and he chuckled.
„No thats not what I meant. You need to rest, go. I'll come in in a sec."
But you wouldn't let him go so easily. So you stood on your tippy toes and placed another kiss on his lips.
He reacted right away and put both his hands on either side of your face.
When he let go again, he lightly pushed you towards the door and said:"Bedroom sweetheart."
You grinned at him and slowly turned around. „Go."
-„Only if you come with me."
He laughed and spoke:"I will in a sec."

You left the kitchen and yelled:"But without a shirt okay?"

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