Chapter Two

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Harry was still lying with his head on Hermione's lap, ignoring everything and everyone else around him except the girl who was currently his only anchor to reality. "Hermione, where are we?"

"We're in Hogwarts..."

"Mister Potter, are you injured?"

"Hermione, who is that?"

"That's Professor McGonagall, our head of house. Harry was banged about pretty badly, Professor. It seems to have affected his memory."

"Oh please, that's the most feeble excuse I've ever heard. Potter is clearly just trying to avoid being punished for this fiasco tonight."

Ignoring the sneering man in black, Harry had yet another question for Hermione. "Who's the grouch?"

Snape didn't give her time to answer. "That will be fifty points from Gryffindor for disrespecting a professor."

"He's a professor? You've got to be joking me. Who's this Gryffindor and why should I care if the grouch punishes him?"

The Snape sneer was now on full power. "Another fifty points from Gryffindor!"

Minerva wasn't about to stand for that. "Severus, the boy is clearly confused..."

"Ma'am, I'm way beyond confused. I'm in a place I don't recognise, surrounded by people I don't know and being grouched to about who knows what. Hermione being here is the only reason I'm not screaming for the police."

"You recognise Miss Granger?"

"She's my girlfriend, ma'am. Of course I recognise her."

"When did she become your girlfriend? Mister Potter, I'm not prying. I only ask to try and discover what you can actually remember."

"Last night. I remember sitting holding Hermione's hand and asking if she would be my girlfriend, I was so happy when she said yes."

"Where did this happen?"

"It was in some room I don't really recognise, but I remember the important bit."

The Head of Gryffindor then switched her attention to Hermione, looking for an answer. History once more repeated itself as a twelve year old Hermione Granger lied to her head of house in the same girl's bathroom. Hermione would like to think that this time around she was a little more convincing.

"We sat in the Gryffindor common room late last night. Neither of us could sleep so we got to talking. Both of us were feeling lonely and realising how much we had in common, Harry then asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes."

"She's lying! Harry went to bed at the same time as the rest of us…"

That argument was quickly shot down by Hermione, using something she knew Ron couldn't refute. "…and we could still hear you snoring all the way down in the common room."

Harry now sat up from Hermione's lap, focusing on Ron. "Look ginger, I don't know what your problem is but it stops now. You've shouted at my girlfriend and then called her a liar. Whoever you are, that was your last warning."

"Mister Potter, You and Mister Weasley have been friends since you both got here."

"As I just told you, Ma'am, I have no memory of where here even is. I just watched my girlfriend wave a little stick in the air to save me from whatever this beast happens to be, I'm pretty freaked out at the moment."

This saw all but Snape gasp in astonishment, though Minerva found her voice first. "Mister Potter, You don't remember about magic? You don't know you're a wizard?"

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