Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10 - Making the News

The four students with greyed-out house associations were all left wishing they had been sent home for a week too. Ron was the instigator of their troubles yet he currently nestled safely in the bosom of his family. They were the ones stuck in Hogwarts and left having to deal with the stares, pointing and not so quiet whispering of their peers. They were being shunned by their own housemates. There certainly weren't any offers to join other houses forthcoming on their behalf.

These four were the centre of attention in the great hall, right up until the Daily Prophet was delivered. The headline alone was enough for everyone to grasp that yesterday's happenings inside Hogwarts had made the front page. The headline also informed those inside the castle exactly which Hogwarts house the Prophet had received their information from.

Cowardly Lion Ready to Run

For months now, some of the decisions being made inside Hogwarts have been difficult for those outside the castle's ancient and hallowed walls to understand. Long-standing professors being suspended and then sacked. The head of Hogwarts' school board voted off their position - and then out of that body altogether. We also have the 'first years are not allowed their own broom' rule being cast asunder to allow a specific eleven year old onto their house quidditch team.

These seemingly unconnected events all have something in common, or should that be someone - Harry Potter.

"Dumbledore and McGonagall are pandering to this first year student's every whim. It wasn't until yesterday we discovered why." Said Lucius Malfoy, a respected citizen who formerly had his finger on the Hogwarts' pulse. It now becomes clearer why steps were taken to remove him from that sphere of influence as his views certainly clash with those of the people currently running Hogwarts.

"After rearranging the entire Hogwarts quidditch schedule to suit Potter, he then proved what anyone with any intelligence should have known from the start. First years are not allowed to play quidditch for a very good reason. He was a menace in the sky during the match, and it was only through good fortune someone didn't pay for his lack of ability with an extended stay in the school's infirmary."

The Daily Prophet was also contacted by students from within Hogwarts. These students didn't want their names used here, Harry Potter's grip on Hogwarts being so tight they feared reprisals.

"His own Gryffindor year mates were sickened by the cowardice Potter displayed during the quidditch match. When their Head of House refused to take any action, they were left with no other option but to invoke a house censure against him. While this forced Dumbledore and McGonagall's hand, those courageous Gryffindors were left facing a severe disappointment. Potter simply refused to be resorted, threatening to leave Hogwarts if this matter wasn't dealt with to his satisfaction. The Headmaster and his Deputy then fell over themselves to ensure that his wishes were met."

This reporter can reveal that the first year Gryffindors who brought this censure were all punished severely, the ring-leader even being sent home. And what of Harry Potter we hear you ask? Not only does he remain a Gryffindor, Harry Potter, his intended and a toadying friend of theirs have all been relocated to the luxurious accommodation within Gryffindor Tower reserved for the Head Boy or Girl. One can only think it is rather fortuitous that the current holders of those positions are not Gryffindors. Potter's influence in the castle being such that they would have been deposited in a cupboard somewhere within the castle, all so Dumbledore's golden boy can have his own way.

Lucius Malfoy summed the situation up nicely with the following quote.

"If this coward wants to leave the best magical school in the world, and take his muggle born intended with him, I say good riddance. It's time this country discovered just who's in charge at Hogwarts, preferably before Potter starts influencing the Ministry of Magic too."

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