Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter 32 - Christmas Cheer

The ship's steward thought he'd seen everything in his nine years working aboard ferries, he was wrong. Christmas Eve in Rotterdam was a new first. The basketweave bathchair looked as if it should be in a museum. Then again, its occupant and the person pushing this forerunner to the modern wheelchair wouldn't have looked out of place as exhibits in the same museum display.

The confundus charm on their documentation ensured they passed muster though so he showed them to their cabin, informing them they could ring for cabin service if they didn't want to make their way to the dining area. He couldn't see any way that antique chair would fit around any of the tables upstairs, it nearly didn't fit in the cabin.

With thanks, but certainly no tip, the steward was dismissed.

Severus was sure his use of the confundus charm would not be picked up, it was too innocuous for any ministry to scan for. By comparison, he had cast the imperius on his charge just before apparating them away from the forest. His master's host, Severus refused to call him Troy, now missing a leg necessitated the transfiguration of the chair. Their clothes too had been transfigured to more muggle appropriate attire.

Casting a sleeping charm on the chair's occupants, Severus then stretched out on the cabin's bed. While time-consuming when compared to magical methods, the muggles had refined travelling to an art form. The cabin was very comfortable and they would get a meal delivered later.

The increased vibrations running through the ship indicated the ferry was getting ready to depart, and the crossing to Hull would take twelve hours. They would be arriving in Hull at around eight on Christmas morning. Severus didn't think there was any chance whatsoever of the Ministry having Hull ferry port watched, especially not for incoming traffic. Severus Snape returning to Britain was utter madness, and he was counting rather heavily on that fact above everything else so there would be no reception committee on the dock.

While confident the Ministry wouldn't be there, he had to hope there was no bounty hunters who had taken a gamble on him doing something crazy like this though. His disguise as an old muggle pushing an invalid friend around should stand up to everything except the most severe scrutiny. Severus would just have to be extra vigilant and not give himself away.


The atmosphere inside number twelve Grimmauld Place on Christmas morning was certainly a lot merrier than anything the Black residence was used to. The experience of meeting their family spirits last night had been a positive one for all involved. Luna was practically bouncing off the walls with happiness, Petunia wore a wide smile that nothing was going to shift and Susan was currently wedged between Amelia and Sirius. Susan's parents had actually approved of Sirius becoming the father figure their daughter needed, giving the marauder another reason to smile - not that he needed one. Compared to previous Christmases, the only one that came anywhere close to being as good as this was Harry's first.

When presents were being handed out and unwrapped, the party atmosphere just increased in intensity. Dobby popping away and returning with a regal owl caught everyone's attention, as did the seal on the letter it was carrying.

"The owl would not let Dobby remove its letter, only Harry can remove and open it."

Leaning forward, Harry untied the letter and offered the magnificent bird an owl treat. Its acceptance of both acts saw Dobby taking it back to the owl delivery point of number twelve. In the silence that had developed, the sound of the Gringotts wax seal being broken was clearly heard. As was Harry's intake of breath as he read the letter.

"Harry, is everything okay?"

Harry's voice was barely above a whisper as he answered. "No, Sirius. Things are not okay, they're bloody fantastic!" Harry handed the letter to his godfather before reaching for Hermione.

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