Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter 21: Scalped

The five students said goodbye to Augusta on Platform nine and three quarters, knowing full well they would be seeing her again at tonight's opening feast in Hogwarts.

Harry and Hermione had certainly enjoyed staying the week with Neville. Parvati and Padma had joined them for the latter part of that week, with the five becoming even closer. Apart from Harry and Ron, Hermione hadn't really had any other friends the first time around. Even although she was older, Hermione had a good time hanging out with the twins. Harry too liked spending some time with Neville, without their girlfriends always being there.

Understanding this, Hermione was able to gently point Parvati into not being as clingy - giving Neville his own space. With Padma there too, Parvati began to realise that being Neville's girlfriend didn't mean she had to give up everything else. It was this slight change in attitude that had Hermione thinking these two could actually become a serious couple as they grew up together. Harry confirmed that Neville certainly appreciated the difference in Parvati as the summer had progressed.

Boarding the train, it was proving practically impossible to find a carriage that could accommodate all of them. After spotting a young girl sitting by herself, they opened the door and entered while Neville asked for permission.

"Excuse us. Do you mind if we share this carriage with you? The train is starting to get pretty full and we wanted to sit together."

Looking at Neville, the little blond girl put down the magazine she was reading and started to pack her things. Hermione was quick to correct her. "Oh, we don't want you to leave - you were here first. We just wondered if the five of us could share this carriage with you. I'm Hermione, this is Parvati, Padma, Neville and…"

"That's Harry Potter, so you must be his girlfriend, Hermione Granger. Pleased to meet you, Hermione."

Chuckling while hanging Hedwig's cage on the provided hooks, Harry was now wearing a wry smile. "There are certainly worse things in life than being considered Hermione Granger's boyfriend."

This didn't seem to disturb the little blonde in the slightest. "Everyone knows you are famous, Harry - we all grew up knowing that. Hermione Granger though has only been in our world for a year but has made an impact that will last for a lifetime. Very few witches ever receive Orders of Merlin, never mind a First Class one. For a witch of non magical parents to do so, while still only twelve, is astonishing. Hermione Granger is an example to witches all over the country of just what it's possible to achieve."

Harry was ready to burst out laughing, seeing the stunned looks on all their friends faces stopped him. That, and the girl continuing to talk. "I always wanted to be an explorer. Roam the far away corners of the world looking to discover new species of magical animals. Hermione Granger achieving what she has lets the Luna Lovegood's of this country see their dreams can be more than that - they are attainable. Sorry, Luna is my name. I'm so pleased to meet you. Could I perhaps have an interview? My father is the owner and editor of the Quibbler…"

This time Harry couldn't hold his laughter as Hermione's chin was almost hitting the floor. "You have to admit, Hermione, her approach is a lot more polite than that photographer's in the bookshop."

Parvati appeared to be deep in thought as the five of them settled in to share the compartment with Luna. "You know, Luna here is actually right. We just tend to think of you as Hermione, our friend."

"And that's quite enough for me. Sorry Luna, all this fame nonsense just leaves me cold. I'm quite happy to sit and chat, we've always room for more friends, but let's give the interview a miss."

This resulted in some teasing from Padma. "Aw Hermione, it would be so interesting to read about you - and your intended."

Her twin sister was teasing right back at her though. "Padma just wants to know if you or Harry have any more cousins like Dudley tucked away anywhere."

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