Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter 25: Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot

While holding an event like this outdoors on a November afternoon, particularly in the Scottish Highlands, would normally be out of the question, this was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There was no way all those who wished to attend Dumbledore's funeral would ever manage to squeeze into the great hall so the largest concentration of house elves in the British Isles had created an area outside the castle's walls that was pleasantly warm and protected from the elements.

This bubble of calm conditions was accessed from the castle by a covered walkway, ensuring all the guests would be warm and dry from start to finish. It was an astonishing piece of magic, yet one that would simply be overlooked by the vast majority of the attending guests.

Even as they took their reserved seats at the front of this massive gathering, Harry and Hermione were still refining their speech to include things they'd seen today. While it was their speech, both understood it would be much more powerful if Harry delivered it. He though insisted Hermione be at his side as he did so. After his dream last night, that was an invitation Hermione was never going to turn down.

Sirius was sitting with Amelia, Dan and Emma, Petunia not being able to make the funeral. He was just thinking the entire magical populous must be in attendance when a voice he hadn't heard in many years lent even more credence to that idea.

"Hello Sirius, how are you?"

Standing up immediately, Sirius ignored the offered hand and pulled the wizard into a hug. "Mooney, where the hell have you been hiding?"

"I was out of the country when news broke of your trial. I have to say though, that news was kinda buried under all the stories of what that godson of yours had been up to. I was working my way back to Britain when I heard about Dumbledore. I owe him so much, I simply had to come..."

"Of course you had to come, you should've been home ages ago. This is Emma and Dan Granger, Hogwarts professors, dentists and Hermione's parents. This is my best friend, Remus Lupin. Hermione is Harry's intended, you'll certainly meet her later. Of course, you already know my fiancée..."

"Same old Sirius, though I thought Amelia was immune to your charms."

This actually had Amelia smiling, even though her thoughts were currently on events that were planned to happen elsewhere. "Not immune, I just had a very high tolerance factor. Getting to know Sirius again rekindled something in both of us, and I said yes when he asked. It's good to see you again, Remus. Please sit with us." Some shuffling soon had him seated beside Sirius, just before things officially kicked off.

Dan had surmised from what Amelia and Sirius had said beforehand that wizarding funerals might be different from what he and Emma would possibly recognise as such. While standing and speaking about the deceased, and the impact they'd had on the speaker's life, was both recognisable and understandable to them, today's event felt more like a political rally than a funeral to the two dentists.

The young Gryffindor couple were sitting waiting on their turn in the proceedings to speak. They were up after someone called Deadly Dingle, or something like that. Both thought it sounded like a mystical creature Luna would make up. Diggle eventually spent about quarter of an hour going on and on about how he and Albus were such great friends before leaving the small stage in tears.

It was now Harry and Hermione's turn to face a large crowd who, if they felt anything like them, would be bored to tears with what they'd already heard here today. The crowd hopefully wouldn't be bored after listening to what they had to say. They were dressed in their finest robes, the Potter, Black and Hogwarts crests competing with their Orders of Merlin, First Class for attention. Confidently approaching the podium that already had a voice magnifying charm imbedded into the elaborate carvings, Harry took a steadying breath before beginning.

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