Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

It was three red faced teens who were certainly enjoying the refreshingly cool spring Scottish Highland air as they slowly made their way back to the castle. Their flushed appearance wasn't all due to the oppressive dragon-egg-hatching heat of the house they'd just left. An astonished and angry Neville summed it up best.

"I can't decide which is crazier. That Hagrid is trying to hatch a Norwegian Ridgeback egg in his hut, or he named the three-headed monster that I still have nightmares over 'Fluffy'. What the hell is Hagrid playing at? He could end up in Azkaban for either of those stunts."

It was one thing to hear stories of events that had happened, quite another to witness them for yourself. That Harry had just seen a real dragon's egg, and Hagrid promised to send word when it began to hatch, left the former veterinarian student in a state of bewildered bliss. It was down to Hermione to try and steady Neville's nerves - before he ran off to a professor and blurbed about everything.

"You heard Hagrid, it was Professor Dumbledore who asked to borrow 'Fluffy'..."

"I also heard Hagrid say music puts that three-headed monster right to sleep - something I'm quite prepared to take his word about. If I never see that thing again it will still be too soon. Do you know who this Flamel character is that Hagrid mentioned? He seems important, Hagrid certainly didn't mean to mention his name."

Pleased that Neville had picked up on that, Hermione gave him the information that proved so troublesome to unearth the last time around. She even cited one of the sources.

"Nicolas Flamel is a world famous alchemist, and a good friend of Professor Dumbledore. It mentions on the professor's chocolate frog card that they worked on discovering the twelve uses of dragon blood together. The reason he's so famous is because Flamel created the only known Philosopher's Stone in existence. By using it, he and his wife are reported to be over six hundred years old…"

It was almost funny for Hermione as she watched Neville join up the dots to reach a conclusion. "The Philosopher's Stone - that's what the three headed monster is guarding. Dumbledore must be looking after it for his friend. Who would be trying to steal it though?"

Instead of answering, Hermione just raised her eyebrow. This had Neville thinking of an answer for himself - and he didn't like where those thoughts were taking him.

It was into this pause in their conversation Harry suddenly declared, "I love Magic!"

That had both Hermione and Neville staring at him but Harry didn't care - he was far too excited. "Hey you two - we're going to get to witness a dragon being born. How cool is that?"

"Harry, that was the total opposite of cool. I was boiling in there."

"Muggle expression, Neville. It means really, really good. Hermione, my shoulder injury would have taken months to heal, followed by even more months of physiotherapy - and it would never have been the same again. One night in the infirmary and I'm healed, within a week it's as good as new. Think about it - they must have similar treatments for all these wonderful animals too…"

Neville couldn't help but chuckle at his best friend's enthusiasm. "One of the top students in our year and he wants to be Hagrid's apprentice…"

This gave Hermione the opening she was looking for to broach a rather delicate subject. "That's something I want to ask your Gran a few questions about on Sunday. I hope you don't mind, Neville?"

His chuckle just deepened. "Hermione, my Gran is a member of the Wizengamot. Trust me, she won't be bothered by a few questions from a first year. I'm gonna be there tomorrow morning too, just to see my Gran though."

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