Chapter Five

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Harry couldn't help but laugh. He liked the Weasley twins, even if they were currently taking the piss out of him. Fred and George though had style, and that style had Harry in stitches too as he finally sat down to breakfast.

"Make way for the great one - move along there and leave room for his lady too…"

"You honour us with your presence as we break our fast, oh vanquisher of dark lords…"

"Slayer of trolls…"

"Youngest seeker in over a century…"

"…but, more importantly, the wonderful boy who rid us of Snape!"

"The boy-who-lived becomes the boy-who-rid, rid us of the greasy git."

"Oh George, I like that."

"So do I, Fred. The boy-who-rid, do you think It'll catch on?"

"Hey, they might even write books about that…"

Their capers were interrupted by the arrival of Professor McGonagall, her stoic expression threatening to break into a smile at the twins' hilarious antics. "Mister Potter, Miss Granger, the Headmaster would like a word with you both after breakfast. Professor Dumbledore has a tendency to talk for hours, please remind him he has a potions class to teach second period. Your teacher has been informed where you will be, just don't take all day."

Since they had transfiguration first period, Hermione thought that was about as close to a joke as she'd ever heard McGonagall crack. It just highlighted the change in atmosphere within the castle.

As McGonagall took her leave, the twins picked right back up where they'd left off.

"Hear that? Invited up to talk with the headmaster. We've never even seen inside his office.'

"Eh, Fred. Avoiding Dumbledore's attention - that's a good thing."

"Too true, George. We're more likely to be dragged there for something we've been caught doing, something we shouldn't have been doing that is."

"Us, get caught? You jest, brother."

"Jest, prank, joke, it's what we do!"

Through his laughter, Harry managed to say something. "Weasley Wheezes, brought to you by Tweedledum and Tweedledee…"

"Weasley Wheezes? By George, I think we have something there…"

"Weasley Wizard Wheezes. I think that sounds better, Fred, and we want to distinguish ourselves from these Tweedledum and Tweedledee guys…"

Hermione was laughing along with Harry, pleased that, while his relationship with Ron was strained, the twins and he had quickly become friends again. After the ministry had wiped Harry's memory, neither Fred nor George had returned to Hogwarts. Hermione was one of the few who knew Harry had given the twins his triwizard prize money, because he'd said the world was going to need some laughs.

The twins were as good as their word, better actually. They called their shop

'Potter's Pranks', much to the dismay of the ministry. A picture of Harry competing in the triwiz was their 'logo', appearing as a label on all their products, and a massive version served as their shop's sign. They made sure Harry wasn't forgotten, and it cost them everything.

When Voldemort took over the ministry, their shop was burned to the ground - thankfully without them inside it. To add a touch of irony, that was the same picture Voldemort's ministry had been using in their search for Harry before she'd brought them back in time. This time it was going to be different.

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