Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter 29 - Justice!

The atmosphere inside the great hall that Sunday morning was a strange one. As the students would be heading home tomorrow for their Christmas Holidays, you would then expect the prevailing mood to be a jovial one. Today's issue of the Prophet however cast a dark cloud over everyone who read that the Ministry were still no closer to producing an antidote for Hermione Granger. What was strange though were the whispers going around the castle that something remarkable had happened. A smiling McGonagall entering the great hall provided the vital spark that had been missing for so many of them - hope.

Rather than keep everyone waiting, Minerva honoured her promise to the students and immediately approached the podium to pass on the good news.

"We have all hoped Miss Granger could be saved from her terrible fate. As time progressed though, I think it's fair to say our hope was fading. Due to the intervention of an old friend of Hogwarts however, I have some very good news to pass on. Miss Granger is not only out of danger, Madam Pomfrey expects her to make a complete recovery…" The hall exploded, and Minerva let them go. She herself had acted similarly not yet an hour ago.


Harry was standing beside Dan as everyone hugged and congratulated them. No one could get near Hermione at the moment, the girl and her mother were entwined in an emotional embrace that didn't look to be ending anytime soon.

Hugging Dan and Harry before kissing Sirius, Amelia had to leave at once for the ministry. She was also advising them they might be better having a press conference at Hogwarts, rather than having reporters hounding them when they left the castle. Harry quickly agreed, and asked if she could arrange something for them.

After establishing with Poppy that Miss Granger really was going to be fine, Minerva's attention switched to the ghost that was present. "Albus, what are you doing here? I can't imagine you having unfinished business…"

"Minerva, it's so good to see you again too. As Headmistress, you should know that help will always be given to those in Hogwarts who require it. In all honesty, I've never seen a couple who needed help more. I was delighted to do what I could.."

"Albus, save that bull for someone who doesn't know you and answer the question I asked. What are you doing here?"

Giving a little smile, Albus told Minerva the truth - just not all of it. "You know the task those two have been left with. I made a promise to them on my deathbed that if they ever needed me, I would try to help any way I could. I have no fear of crossing over, nor do I want to remain here. If it means aiding Harry and Hermione however, I'm prepared to do anything and everything I can."

"Like calling Fawkes?"

"Oh no, That is something I am no longer able to do. As you would have seen at my funeral, Fawkes is very taken with this young couple. Harry merely mentioned his name and Fawkes appeared, willing to help."

Both of them watched as Hermione and Emma were now busy thanking the beautiful phoenix, and Fawkes appeared to be revelling in the attention. "Normally when a familiar bond is broken, The phoenix will leave and never be seen again. It wouldn't surprise me however if my old friend decided to bond with either Hermione or Harry. It would be good for all three of them."

Minerva was standing talking about the possibility of a phoenix bonding to a muggleborn with her long time, and now dead, friend - all this before breakfast too.


Back at breakfast, Minerva got them quietened down before saying what she needed to. "Miss Granger and Mister Potter should be rejoining us sometime today, I want to make something clear to everyone though. Both have had quite the traumatic few days, that's not going to leave them in the next few hours. it would be a very foolish person who used this attack as a basis to taunt either of the pair."

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