Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter 23 - A Foolish Old Man

Kneeling beside her injured son, Cissi watched intently as Madam Pomfrey cast diagnostic charms on Draco. She was studying the Hogwarts healer's features and body language for any sign of bad news when Cissi then heard the absolute worst prognosis possible. That this terminal diagnosis didn't originate from Madam Pomfrey was immaterial, both she and Draco were as good as dead. That stupid pig she called a husband had just done the unthinkable - he had attempted to harm Potter's mudblood.

A lot of things began to fall into place for Cissi, including why Draco was almost murdered by a bludger today. Potter had specifically warned them against this course of action, and Lucius had chosen to ignore that warning - and been caught doing so. Not only that, the stupid bastard had gone after the one person guaranteed to ensure Potter carried out the full extent of his dire threat. The cold hand of fear gripped Cissi's heart, squeezing so tight it almost stopped beating. That Potter could get Draco murdered in full view of all of Hogwarts, with no blame attaching to the Gryffindor, took Cissi right back to the night she saw her son's severed head lying in her bed.

Vowing that would never happen, she stood tall and proud.

"I saw him slip that book into the pocket of Lord Potter's intended..."

This stopped all conversation so Cissi continued. "I'm prepared to swear an oath on what I saw, and also that I had no idea what the book was. If it was something intending to harm Miss Granger, I played no part nor had any knowledge of that."

"You traitorous bitch. I'll cast you and your whelp out of my family."

In any battle between his parents, Draco knew which side he would come down on. That his father had forced him to play on against that rogue bludger, and then threatened to disown him left Draco with nothing to lose.

"He slipped a book into Granger's pocket while Potter was fighting with Weasley inside Flourish and Blots. I saw him too."

With the quality and quantity of the people surrounding him, Lucius understood he couldn't start firing off curses, as much as he'd like to. Slowly and carefully placing his hand on his wand, at least thankful he didn't need draw it to disinherit these two. Then Bones cut in, preempting his actions.

"Lucius Malfoy, what I've heard here today is more than enough evidence to arrest you. I also know what that book is, or was, and witnessed its evil taint being removed." Amelia hadn't actually witnessed that happening to the book, seeing the locket horcrux blasting Dumbledore across the room was more than enough for her though.

"You will have a fair trial, one where truth serum will be used. Only you know what that serum will reveal. These revaluations are something you might want to consider before casting the sole Malfoy heir out of the family. Somehow, I don't think you'll be begetting another heir - not from inside an Azkaban cell."

Doing that careful considering didn't improve Lucius' temper any. He did manage to moderate his revenge however. He cast Cissi out of the family, firstly claiming Draco as his son, before having his wand taken and cuffs placed on his wrists. While this would pay Draco's education fees, and include a small stipend, it would be nowhere near enough to provide for his now nameless and penniless mother. It would be almost five years before Draco could get his hands on the Malfoy money, a lot could happen in that time.

Draco was about to angrily tell his father to shove it somewhere the sun didn't shine but a glare from his mother prevented that. They watched on as Madam Bones and her fiancé, Lord Black, led Lucius away.

Though he knew nothing of Harry's warning to the Malfoys, Albus was well aware they blamed Lucius for the attack on the Grangers' home - and also slipping the diary horcrux to Hermione. Albus was delighted Lucius had just been arrested, and also confident Amelia could make it stick. Young Draco's life being put on the line to achieve this was not something he could however condone. Albus was placing an incredible amount of faith in this young couple and the very thought of them being involved in this fiasco worried him greatly. Since most of Hogwarts would rapidly reach the same conclusion, he decided to get the matter out in the open.

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