Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter 28 - Tears for Hermione

Amelia detested what she was about to do but really didn't have another option available. What they had here was an incident of a muggle attacking a witch. An Order of Merlin, First Class holding witch, in front of a few hundred underage witches and wizards, to be precise. The law of the land did not recognise the situation as a family tragedy so Amelia really had to play this one by the book. That Emma was someone she counted as a friend just added more emphasis to the need to do this by the numbers. Not for one second did she consider the possibility that Emma could be guilty, Amelia just had to prove Emma's innocence beyond any doubt to everyone else.

She had four aurors and a court scribe in a screened-off part of the Hogwarts infirmary. It was time to start the proceedings. Amelia spoke her name, position in the D.M.L.E. along with the date and time before each auror in turn did the same. Amelia then described the scene for the scribe to record.

"The suspect, one Emma Granger - muggle professor at Hogwarts and mother of her victim, is restrained on a bed in the Hogwarts infirmary. She is conscious but hasn't said anything. It has now been over an hour since the attack took place, and the suspect has been in custody since seconds after the attack was carried out. We are therefore discounting the use of polyjuice potion for the moment. I will now cast the counter curse to the imperius and then Auror Shacklebolt will administer truth serum."

No sooner had Amelia cast the counter curse than Emma was shrieking like a banshee, screaming her daughter's name over and over. She fought the restraints, desperate to see Hermione, but the application of the truth serum soon dampened her emotions. Seeing this, Amelia asked her first question.

"What is your name?"

"Emma Granger"

That officially ruled out polyjuice but Amelia now needed to establish they were dealing with the horrible curse that was going to see someone spending the rest of their life in Azkaban for casting it on Emma - but only if Harry didn't get to them first.

"Why did you attack Hermione Granger?"

"I was ordered to, I fought the order with everything I had but couldn't stop myself."

With the Imperius curse now established as the cause here, and her friend's innocence established, Amelia asked the question she really hoped Emma knew the answer to.

"Do you know who ordered you to attack Hermione?"

"Yes, the professor who was sent to prison for attacking Harry. I think his name was Snape but it was definitely the same man whose picture was in the Prophet."


Emma turned to see the stranger in their practice. She was just about to tell this man they were closed for the night when recognition kicked in. Before she could react however, his wand had her feeling all floaty - almost as if she'd taken some pre-op drugs.

Recognising that her mind was in a suggestible state though proved no defence when this bastard started issuing orders. While she was mentally screaming inside, her body was like some kind of automation that had to obey his orders.

"Take this blade and cut your daughter with it tonight. After you have achieved this, stab yourself with the same blade. Under no circumstances are you to cut yourself - or anyone else - before cutting your daughter. You will behave as normal, giving no warning of your intentions, right up until you cut her."

Dan was given the exact same orders, only with Harry as his target. After being made to verbally repeat their orders, Snape dissapirated away.

"The missis called for Darla?"

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