Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16 - A Black Day

The issue of the Prophet with Harry Potter flying across the front cover, wearing Gryffindor quidditch robes, did not aid the digestion of those sitting at the Malfoy breakfast table. It wasn't so much the picture that upset the Malfoys' stomachs, rather the article gleefully proclaiming Potter, and his intended, were to be honoured by the Ministry of Magic. This coming the day after the same newspaper claimed that Potter banished the Dark Lord once more had Lucius Malfoy cursing up a storm.

"They're giving Potter and his little mudblood Orders of Merlin - unbelievable!. Now we discover the reason for all the lies printed yesterday. This must be something Dumbledore's cooked up, Fudge certainly doesn't have the brains for a scheme like this. They must be really desperate to keep the brat in Britain."

Ever since the night she'd pulled her wand on her husband, Cissi was having to be very careful when questioning Lucius' judgement. Only her promising to help with any scheme against Potter redirected Lucius' anger that night. She was left having to phrase any question in the politest terms possible.

"Do you think they made the entire Quirrell incident up?"

"Oh I certainly believe Quirrell is dead, Potter might even have had a hand in causing his death. If he did, can't you just see Dumbledore rushing to cover for his golden boy. What better cover than to say Quirrell was being possessed by our Lord? Instead of being prosecuted by the Ministry, those bloody fools are falling over themselves in their haste to reward the brat. If our master had returned, he would have made contact with me. Severus was in the castle with Quirrell for a couple of months too. Why wouldn't our Master make contact with him?"

Cissi couldn't argue with any of that. Watching the Prophet's picture of Potter though gave her an idea. She didn't want her family going anywhere near Potter looking for retribution. Maybe there was a way they could have some revenge, while avoiding the promised outcome that absolutely terrified her.

"Potter won the Quidditch cup for two reasons. The Slytherin team was disbanded and the boy had the fastest broom in Hogwarts. With Slytherin looking for an entire new team next year, what if Draco had a better broom than Potter? He'd be sure to make the team, then our son could really show this upstart who's the better wizard."

"That's a good idea, one that needs some improvement though. I have contacts at Nimbus, contacts who could get me a full set of new brooms at cost price. A team of Slytherin purebloods once more putting everyone in their place will see the proper order restored at Hogwarts. That blood traitor Weasley will use all this positive publicity for the mudblood to help push through that muggle protection bill of his, I might have to do something rather drastic about that too…"

Cissi didn't care about any Weasleys. Harming one of those multitude of redheads wouldn't see Draco's detached head appearing in their manor. Draco and Slytherin publicly beating Potter at quidditch though was a different matter. That was a modicum of revenge, without incurring any retribution penalties. Draco would be delighted with a new broom while watching Potter being defeated by their son would satisfy Lucius - for now. The Malfoys could all live with that.

As the breakfast dishes disappeared, neither Malfoy bothered to look in their elf's direction. If they had, they would have noticed something rather unusual. Darla was actually smiling, tonight she would have news to tell Dobby.


Petunia left Hogwarts with the Grangers after lunch, saying goodbye to a young couple who clearly hoped to see her again next weekend. Arriving by portkey in the Grangers' lounge, Petunia was then asked if she wanted Dobby to take her home. That was why, fifteen minutes after being in the Scottish Highlands, she was sitting in her own kitchen drinking a relaxing cup of tea.

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