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These are whole ass different nights so you know

General POV but it turns to Kirby POV but I'm to lazy to change it

Kirby just got out of the shower and was walking to her bed to sleep then a knock on her door she quickly got dressed and opened it "Amanda?" I stared at my best friend "hi" she said how only she can, it's so adorable, yes I'm in that situation in love with my best friend "what do you need" I said softly "umm I need you to...hold me..please" she said I smiled, finally "sure go lay down I'll dim the lights for turn them of whichever you like" I said softly still "ok.." she said walking "dim them please" she said I did so and walked to the bed and climbing in "over here" she said laughing I scouted over and she snuggled into me

"Hey Amanda" I said she looked up at me "what.." she said "I..I" I stuttered before getting cut off "say it" she said getting closer to my face "I like you like a lot" I said (my key board said boobies after the word like and I find it hilarious) Amanda got closer to my face "show me how much" I kissed her putting her on her back then I pulled away "gladly"

Use your imagination 😐😉

General POV

"cuddles" Amanda said staring at Kirby who was getting ready for bed "wait for a little bit babe" Amanda plopped on her back "NOWW" she said after a 1 minute wait "fine" Kirby said getting up Amanda popped her head up smiling "yay" she said getting under the covers "come here" Amanda crawled on her and laid down and closed her eyes "I'm sleepy" she said before falling asleep "I love you" Kirby said going to sleep

General POV

"Mommy sleep" their two year old daughter Hadley said "come on hads" Amanda said picking up the baby "momma?" Hadley said Kirby turned around "what baby" she said "are we staying at grandpas" Kirby nodded taking to child from Amanda "go change love" she said Amanda walked to the closet "which one" she said holding a flower sleeper and a navy one "navy and where is duckie" Kirby gave her the stuffed duck and changed her putting her down she ran to what was Blake's room "where's hads" Amanda said walking from the closet "Blake's room" Amanda pulled her to her and kissed her softly "love you" she said "love you too" they hugged for a while before hearing the echoing giggles from their child "let's go see the little one"

They walked to blakes office Blake was working on something why Crystal was holding her duck and another toy while Hadley ran around "Hadley baby it's sleepy time" Amanda said Hadley stopped and ran to Blake "hugs poppy" she said lifting her arms he lifted her up "ok so what do you want to do tomorrow "umm" she said "PIANO AND KIDDY POOL" she yelled "ok then it's set now go to sleep" he put the toddler down and she ran to Amanda while Kirby got her duck "mommy I sleepy" the toddler said "it's ok you can go to sleep" she said Hadley closed her eyes leaning on Amanda's shoulder

They got to the room Hadley was asleep they took her to her nursery in the manor and laid her down "she's so adorable" Amanda said "yeah she looks like you duh she is" Kirby said Amanda smiled at her "let's go" Amanda said holding kirbys hand

"I love you babe" Kirby said "and thank you for giving me her" Amanda smiled at kirbys words "of course love she's mine too" Kirby laid her head on Amanda shoulder and fell asleep

(Kirby had infertility because of Evan😒)

Amanda POV

"I love you" Kirby said "I love you too" I said "we need sleep" she said and giggled "yeah.." I patted my chest "lay down babe" she laid down and instantly was asleep I closed my eyes and fell asleep

Here rats 😎

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