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-isa halloween series- 🍁👻

Jus fall themed one shots


Prompt: them handing out candy

General POV

"Favorite outfit so far" Kirby sat on the porch her legs propped up on the couch she was sat on. "The little boy dress as a race car driver" Amanda said handing candy to a mom holding her baby he was dressed as a skeleton. "Mine was teens as sheet ghosts" Amanda sat back down, "why" she said "they seemed happy" Kirby says to the girl she so happens to be married to. Amanda laughed before a scream was heard, a little girl ran into their driveway before running up the stairs hiding behind Amanda. "Ellie! It's a joke!" A teen boy yelled dressed as Michael Myers. The 6 year old looked up behind Amanda. Amanda being Amazing with kids was talking to her trying to make her feel better. Although this little girl only needed her attitude, "funny joke bitch" she said giving a smile to Amanda that said 'thanks'. She walked to her brother and gave him a good slap "I'm gonna tell mom" "try to" "I know you'll hurt me" "yep" "NO STABBING WITH PENCILS THOUGH" "no promises". They walked away "I change my answer she's my favorite one" Kirby laughed. The little girl turned around and ran back "I need candy" she said, Kirby got up and gave her a good handful. After the girl left a little family came up "hi" the little girl said "mommy mommy mommy" the baby kept saying. "Here you go cutie" Amanda said giving her some candy she smiled grabbed her dads hand and walked away. "Kirby will you marry me" Amanda said leaning on Kirby "I already did silly" Kirby said. "Just wanted to see what you were gonna say" Amanda laughed "well Amanda Carrington... Anders I said something" Kirby shrugged. Amanda chuckled watching more people walked around and some now coming up their driveway.

"Ah!" Amanda screamed hiding her face, they where watching Halloween eating the leftover candy"

One down

I have that amazing writers block so excuse me if it's terrible


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