What if (P3)

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What if they met sooner

Setting: season 4

⚠️The script will be changed⚠️

Kirby POV

Blake called a family meeting, why I have no idea, I'll find out soon. Really soon, "guys I need to say something" Blake said "yeah daddy we don't have these to stare at each other" Fallon said sarcastically.

"Fallon." Blake said like he was making a demand. Fallon gave a look that said 'carry on' so he did, "Amanda is my daughter I hope you all make her feel welcome". Cool another one, "got any other kids your hiding dad" Fallon said "no Fallon and be nice to your father." Fallon rolled her eyes and walked away. "Cool gotcha" I said and turned around.

I was watching some cheesy romcom when someone knocked on my door. "Yeah" I said grabbing another strawberry "hi have you seen Fallon". The person said I turned around, "no who are you" I said trying not to be mean or offensive. "Hi I'm Amanda" she walked over she had closed my door so the only light was the tv, I would be lying if I said she didn't look adorable in the white light. "Oh Blake's other daughter, hi Amanda I'm Kirby my dad was the majordomo here" I said holding out my hand for her to shake. She grabbed it and shook it, "Was? was he fired?" Amanda asked her hand lingering a little but before letting go. "Something like that" I scooted over to let her sit down. She sat down and we sat watching the movie in a comfortable silence. Until a cheesy quote came on I smiled and I could feel Amanda looking at me. I turned to her, "what?" I said fake mad "nothing" I swear I saw blush.

It's been a week and me and Amanda are friends, but I would be lying if I said I wouldn't date her in a heartbeat. I mean she has so many good qualities like she's absolutely gorgeous, and she's so clever with is good because I'm not, she can cook, surprisingly well too, and she's so nice. Oh shit I'm in love, welp. Knock knock pause knock pause knock knock. Amanda's knock... I can't hide forever.. she's not with anyone, fuck it. "Come in Amanda" I said she opened the door impressed, "how did you know it was me" she said. Shit! umm 'I'm in love with you so I memorized your knock' NO "umm your knock" I said about to pass out. "You memorized it all..?" She asked "maybe" I said.

General POV

"Kirby your acting weird" she chuckled Kirby looked to the tv where yet another romcom played. The guy was trying to tell his crush he liked her. He muttered under his breath 'fuck it' Kirby took it as a sign. "I like you Amanda" she quickly said "what..?" Amanda muttered. "Yeah I'm sorry it it's a lot but I really l" she was cut of "I like you to" Amanda blurted out "you mean it" Kirby said. "Yeah..." Amanda said she had slowly walked to the bed and was now sat on it. She was in kissing distance, like quick kissing distance to. "Well then" Kirby said before pulling the girl into a sweet yet passionate kiss. They pulled away when oxygen got a more limited, the two looked at each other before Amanda remembered why she came here. "Oh I forgot, I'm sorry about bringing up your dad.. Blake told me" Amanda said. "It's ok.." Kirby said she really was getting over it and maybe a relationship would help. "Amanda I have a question" Kirby said Amanda nodded "would you mind going on a date.. with me" she said. Amanda smiled wildly and hugged Kirby "I would love that" the word Amanda said muffled by Kirbys shoulder.

•the question•

"Amanda I have a question" Kirby asked as she laid beside her. "Yeah" Amanda said looking over to her "wanna be my girlfriend". Amanda was shocked at how easy it came out. "Sure... babe" Amanda smiled Kirby smiled to her and paused the movie for a... funner thing to pass time.

•4.22 (hope we know what this means•

Bang, everyone went to panicking, people getting escorted out. "Amanda.." Kirby said on a shaky breath seeing her girlfriend was ok. That was until she saw fal. She had seen blood, hell she got stabbed, but this.

• "the gift shop" •

"Hi my dear" Kirby said walking into Amanda office. "Need a gift so they believe you went to the gift shop" Amanda said knowing the routine. "Yeah whatcha go" Kirby flopped on the couch, the side closest to Amanda. "A teddy bear, champagne, a mug" Amanda said looking at the hidden box, of course she wasn't breaking rules. "A mug Fallon will get pissed" Kirby said laughing imagining Fallon face. "Here" Amanda said Laying the mug on the table "in other news, your hugging buddy has arrived" Amanda said sitting down propping her legs up on Kirby lap. Kirby ran her fingers along Amanda leg while they talked.

• "the first meet" •

"That seemed fun" Kirby said making herself know "yep he's a treat and your a snack hey my love" Amanda said kissing the taller girl. "I know, but what do you need?" Kirby asked "another set of eye" Amanda said "I have a set" Kirby said. "You sure" Amanda said "we haven't had a date in ages it'll be fun.

"I'm bored" Kirby whined "I'm dating a child" Amanda muttered to herself.

"We could be here all night" Amanda slowly turned around "Kirby no" "Kirby yes" they fought. "If another piece of clothing drops" Amanda said "ok mother" Kirby said teasing.

• "the shampoo commercial" •

(Let's pretend Charlie asked Kirby out)

"Her baby" Amanda said walking to Kirby "hey.." Kirby said differently. "What's wrong" Amanda said "my agent just asked me out" Kirby said now rubbing her temples. "It's ok, if you thinking mad I'm not" Amanda said putting a hand on Kirbys knee. "Really" Kirby looked up at her smiling "really" Amanda smiled back Kirby sat up straight and smiled "I'm already better". "Happy to help" Amanda said kissing her she smiled watching Kirby to the shoot (from Kirbys seat).


There's not another moment I think I must do if you think they is one let me know

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