Midnight snacks

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General POV
Kirby was hungry and went to the kitchen, to get some food when she saw her wife sitting with their 5 year old eating. She hadn't looked to see if they where in bed. She smiled to the two and listened in on their conversation. "I'm going to get in trouble with your mama" Amanda said "but they yummy" the child said. "They are" Kirby said the two jumped "um we did nothing" Amanda said. "Besides eating my favorite snack" Kirby said "mine to mommy" the little boy said. "Ok he's cute you got away with it" Kirby said "Cameron go to your room buddy" the little boy jumped down and ran upstairs. "I thought you where sleeping" Amanda said putting the berries up "I was but I woke up" Kirby said. "Cam wanted food" Amanda said "so you gave him my berries" Kirby said "he likes them too babe". "Ok ok I'm sorry" Kirby said sitting on the counter "it's ok" Amanda said standing in between the girls legs. "I love you so much" Amanda said "I love you more darling" Kirby said leaning down to Amanda "really" Amanda smiled "yeah" Kirby smiled. Kirby leaned in and slowly kissed the girl Amanda smiled into the kiss. "Kirby wanna go to sleep" Amanda said "yeah" Kirby hopped down "come on" Amanda said holding the girls hand.

"Cams sleeping right" Kirby said "babe he's fine" Amanda reassured the girl. "Fine" Kirby plopped her head on Amanda's shoulder. "Night" Amanda said "love you" Kirby said quietly before falling asleep.


Sorry it's been so long
And this is probably terrible but I got ideas

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