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(Dr Taylor Alison Swift you did it again... stream midnights yall)

Prompt: Halloween with their 4 year old, Willow Andrea Carrington
General POV

September 29

"Willy!" Fallon called out entering the manor "falie!!" Willow happily yelled running to her. Willow was wearing a gray dress with fall leaves on it and her light up slippers hitting the floor and she ran to Fallon. "Hi baby" Fallon picked her up and she saw little red and flats that's matched her dress. "Baby where's mamas" Fallon asked picking up a toy for willow to play with -a doll with only orange clothes on- willow pointed to Blake's office. Fallon sat willow down and walked over, willow walked to the kitchen and grabbed the leaf tortilla chips (these do exist). She sat on the floor since she's to short to get in the chair (she was premature). Meanwhile the Carringtons planned a killer Halloween party, and willows birthday party, on different days they don't to joint party's. "Wait Fallon where will" Amanda asked "in there" she pointed to the entrance Amanda nodded and went to grabbed her Crystal going as well. "She's not in he.." Amanda was cut on by Crystal "kitchen" she said hearing low giggles. They walked into the kitchen and saw willow and on floor with crumbs everywhere and her one doll show on the other side of the room. "Hi willow" Amanda said picking her up grabbing her sippy and taking her in the office after Crystal whispered 'I'll clean it' to her.

The second she walked in Fallon noticed the crumbs because she had a guilty pleasure with will. "Can I change her" she practically squealed "fi.." willow and Fallon where already gone. "You married her" blake sarcastically said to Liam he just shrugged and nodded as he was drinking some whiskey and couldn't talk.

"Which one" Fallon held up some leaf patch shorts, and some orange and black striped leggings. "Those" willow said her 'th' coming out like a 'd', and pointing to the leggings. Fallon laid them out looking up around the wall in closet her eyes landed on the fall clothes since the jeans and leggings where already laid out. She grabbed a pumpkin shirt and a black and orange shirt, willow picked the pumpkin and ran to her princess heels and grabbed the orange ones. "Please auntie Fallon" she nervously wobbled "for a little" willow happily yelled and laid them out Fallon put up the flats she previously wore.

After willows hair was up in a two braids that wrapped around the top of her head they picked out jewelry. Meaning, orange jewel and diamond earring, a orange and black light up ring she got the day before and day care, and a orange necklace she got from her friend, Darcy. Fallon let her play for a bit in her room, which included, a life size doll house and her baby loft bed with a slide and a ball bit. Totally not a typical Carrington even for a kid, but willow was well willow, loves toys like really loves them.

This with be a multiple part thing

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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