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General POV

"Mommy mommy" Katherine said shaking her mother. "What kath" Fallon said another clash of thunder was heard. Kath cling to her mom Liam was away so their support was gone. Fallon covered the four year olds ears. Another clash was heard Fallon tried not to jump and scare her. She remembered Amanda and Kirby where here so she picked up Katherine. She walked though the house and got to the front of their door she knocked and held her daughter to her chest. She heard walking and then the door opened.

"Fal what's wrong" Kirby said rubbing her eyes. Another clash was heard and it clicked. "Come in" Kirby said moving out of the way. Amanda was sat up as Fallon walked in Kirby grabbed Kath. "Hey fal" Amanda said as Fallon sat down. "Hey" Fallon said Kirby grabbed the tv and rolled it over. "Kath what do you want to watch" Amanda said taking the remote form Kirby. "Dada and mama" Kath said laying on her moms lap. Amanda played the documentary on their relationship that the family made. Kirby leaned on Amanda shoulder "Amanda?" She whispered. "Yeah" Amanda whispered back. "I want one" Kirby said looking at Kath in her pjs with a little brown bear. "We'll see" Amanda said jokingly hugging Kirby.

Katherine walked behind her mom to Kirby and Amandas room with the one year old in her arms. She knocked on the door for her mom. "Come in" Amanda was heard saying Kath ran in after she heard another clash. Amanda picked up her one year old out of his play pen. He had puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Poor Elliott" Fallon whispered handing Ava to Kirby. "Hey Kath" Kirby said as the six year old climbed on the bed. The tv was out so Kath played her favorite show.. her parents relationship. She laid on her moms lap while Ava laid by Kirby. Ava was like her dad, not scared of thunder storms but Kath no so much. Amanda held Elliott and whispered to Kirby "you got one" Kirby smiled at the memory and looked at their baby.

Blake woke up at 2:00 because of loud giggles he walked to Fallons room and Katherines room, nothing so he checked the last room it could be. He opened the door and Kath, Ava, Elliott, and lovey (Kath's puppy) all turned to him. "Hey gramps" Kath smiled "what on earth" Blake said looking at the fort, the bed with 100 different foods, and the cartoons playing. "What there was a storm" Amanda said hiding a guilty Ava. "Like three hours ago" Kath said quickly getting her mouth covered. Blake looked to Elliott who was with Fallon the floor watching cartoons and eating vegetables. "This is why he gets the best Christmas presents" Blake said. "Lighten up a little" crystal said behind him. "Bye bye" crystal said closing the door. They started screaming and playing again and Elliott leaned on Fallon playing the cartoons again.

More a family one but I thought it was cute

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