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Prompt: a gala for Halloween
General POV

"Amanda! I'm rea- oh my gosh" Kirby said she dropped her purse and her jaw dropped. "What, do I look bad?" Amanda said looking at herself in the mirror. Kirby walked over and hugged her from behind "you look beautiful" Amanda smiled and saw Kirby purse. "Grab that" she said grabbing her own she grabbed Kirby's hand and walked to the car.

"Mommy" Lauren reached for her mom "mommy can't hunny" Fallon said. Liam picked up Lauren so now he could pass her to Fallon, so she'd have less wrinkles in her dress. "Hello guys took you long enough" Fallon said as they got out of the car "we are happy you ok" Liam said he always had to say those things. He didn't mind though, "traffic" Amanda said waving to Lauren "KIRBY" Lauren wiggled I'm her moms arms Fallon passed her over. No wrinkles, "let's head in" Liam said taking Fallons hand, Kirby put Lauren down and held her hand Amanda holding her other.

"Lauren" Amanda crouched down to the 3 year olds height. "What do you want to drink" as Lauren explained her impossible water order, Kirby couldn't stop looking at Amanda I mean to be fare she was beautiful in the dress. "Ok" she got up and told the bartender Liam scooped up Lauren. "What dada" Lauren giggled he put her down and whispered something only they could hear. They started dancing Lauren's little shoes on Liam's, "Fallon your families adorable" Kirby said handing Amanda a champagne glass. "I know" Fallon smiled looking at them, it looked straight out of a movie. Lauren navy blue dress with a little lace train in the back, and the silver straps of the sandals going up to her almost knees, the little silver dots sewn into the lace.

(She's in her fashion designer era)  

Liams wears a grey suit with a navy blue tie to match his daughter and wife. He
Look to Fallon she smiled walking over.

"Amanda?" Kirby asked "yeah" "dance with me" Amanda smiled and they walked to the ballroom of the house where the gala was. They all danced, drank light drinks, listened to the endless speech's all night.


My vision for the outfits:

Color: navy blue/royal blue
Accent colors: silver
Shoes: strappy sandals to the right below the kneecap (silver)
Makeup: lip gloss (clear)
Dress: a loose dress. With lace on the back making a little train on the floor. The train has silver dots on it
Hair: straighten with little French braids on both sides on her head

Colors: navy blue/royal blue
Accent colors: silver
Shoes: stilettos (they covered by her dress)
Makeup: simple
Dress: it's a long dress, the dress is a navy blue dress. No train
Hair: bun with curled hairs it has little silver dots Lauren insisted on

Suit color: grey
Tie color: navy blue
Shoes: black dress shoes

Color: white
Accent colors: gold
Makeup: simple but a gold wing
Shoes: gold strappy heels
Dress: it's short and not to short like knee high it's all white

Color: black
Accent colors: gold
Shoes: gold stilettos (not to gold)
Makeup: simple
Dress: like Fallons but a little shorter so you can see her shoes

I hope you enjoy my fashion designer time today
And the one shot


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