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When I woke up this morning I was hoping that I could get some Angel cream. but I woke up alone so that shot that in the ass.

Having nothing to do today I got up and ate some breakfast before I started cleaning the house. Once that was finished I went and mowed the yard before I headed inside and showered and got cleaned up before I headed out to do a bit of grocery shopping.

Once everything was taken care of I debated on what else I could do to pass time. 

After realizing there was nothing for me to do or attempt to do. so I looked through some upcoming events that some clients had planned and I got to work on setting it all up. 

Despite me having time off work, it was the only thing I had to do to keep myself busy and not lounge around the house bored.

After I had all of the events planned out and ready for the meetings with the clients. I saved all the information on my computer then headed out of my home office and texted Angel.

"I'm gonna get a dog. hope you'll be alright with that" I texted

when it was a long wait till he replied I assumed he was in Templo or handling club business.

"alright, but I get to pick the breed" he says

"wouldn't you have to be with me in order to do that?" I asked

"I am gonna be with you since I'm coming home now" he says

"great, then before we get the dog I'm getting my angel Cream" I tell him

"dirty mama" he says

"only for Mi Angel" I tell him

I knew that he loved when I called him mine.

I was messing around in the kitchen when I heard him pulling up.

"pequeña mamá" he called out when he walked inside

"Estoy aquí amor" I replied

I could hear him walking to me. 

the feeling of his arms around my waist made me smile.

"hi lil momma" he greeted before leaning down to brush his nose along my neck

" hi Papi" I greeted back before I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes.

"I missed you so much today," he says 

"I missed you too. when I work I was hoping to get me some Angel cream but you weren't here"I say with a pout

"go time now" he says as he lifted his head back up.

I turned in his arms and gave him a kiss before squatting down and got myself some Angel cream.

The sounds of his moans filled the air as I went for more than one serving.

 after getting my fil for the time being I pulled back licked my lips and tucked him back in before standing back up.

"fucking love that cream," I tell him before grabbing his face and kissing the hell outta him.


pequeña mamá- little momma

Estoy aquí amor-  I'm here love

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